Man.. you guys are such bow nerds. I read the add and was like.. I give up.. who's chasing who? I thought it was some sort of hunting metaphor. (Take it easy on me.. i shoot a 5 year old Hoyt).
See Dan, and you didn't think it needed pointed out. :d Mike, I don't think you were alone. :d I think someone else didn't get it. Long time listener, first time caller.
This reminds me of an old joke. (although not really that old). 3 hunters walk into the woods hunting. 1 hunter shoots a hoyt.. 1 a mathews.. and 1 a bowtech. The first hunter with the hoyt goes walking along and sees a buck and shoots it. Perfect shot. The second hunter with the mathews goes walking another direction and see's a doe and shoots it. Perfect shot. The third hunter with the bowtech walks back to his car cause his bow blew apart. Get it.:d (I know.. I know.. it's not really laugh out loud funny. Unless your buddy shoots a bowtech).:d (I keed.. I keed.):d
I don't think it is any different than when Matthews was slamming Hoyt about split limbs and not being a solo cam bow. What does the Monster have? All the companies take shots at each other, it is nothing new. The best part is this type of ad works. Want proof? We are here talking about it right?