How many caught the PSE Omen ad on the back of this month's Bowhunting mag? So what do you think? Marketing? Appropriate? Don't care?:d I'm interested to hear what you guys thought of this. It certainly breaks the "mold" of bow advertisement. They're not hiding their feelings, that's for sure.:d
Takes some guts to have an ad out like that for sure. I haven't shot this bow nor any of the new Mathews bow, but I'd like to hear a comparison between the two brands
I think they went a bit far with it, but who cares in the big scheme? I find it laughable they claim the Monster is a copy of their bow, but whatever works I guess. It also proves they are worried about the Monster's impact if they rely on slanderous ads like that, I say if their bow truly is the best thing since sliced bread, let the bow do the talking. Those weird cable hook ups on the Monster are different from any bow I have seen yet, but it looks like in pics the new Air Raid from Bowtech will have something similar....I'm sure the design has been around since the 70s, as with most other bow "innovations", just never seen it before personally until these two companies used it this year.
I think the friendly competition is great for both companies. PSE did have this design stolen from them by Mathews, no doubt. However, Mathews thinks that PSE stole parallel limb technology from them. Either way, bow technology is slowely advancing. These bows are virtually identical twins with only slight variations in A-A and BH. Only a person's individual perception will judge their differences. I shot the Monster.......Awsome Bow!!!!!.......And, I can't wait to shoot the X-Force. The winner will be in my bow case for the next couple of seasons.
I think this is a GREAT ad. I've been planning on writing a blog about it, just haven't had the time recently. Competition is good in all industries. It helps drive innovation, and can help drive costs down (although not always). Its about time someone took a shot at Mathews. They've been the king of the hill for a long time, and as we all know good things can't last forever.
Just because PSE brought it to market first, doesn't mean they invented the technology.........I'm just sayin. Both companies make solid bows. I think there will be a lot of people turned off by the ad, but I'm sure just as many love to hate Mathews and will love the ad. The competition is only good for us as consumers. With that said, I bet Mathews will sell more Monster XLR8's than PSE does Omens.