I can't even get past the looks of PSE, never mind the short valleys and shoulder ripping draw cycles. While I know that isn't indicative of all of the they just aren't on my radar. Honestly if it isn't a binary platform it's not a consideration for me
Yep just never been intrigued with PSE bows...the Decree was the only one that I was interested in, but honestly don't love the short valleys or specs. I do like the PSE grip though.
i just thought some mite be exited to see that it that time of the year where bow company are releasing their 2017 bow line up? so far Mathews show their target bows and now p.s.e some hunting bows.
Sure, it's just that there aren't a ton of PSE guys on the forum from what I've seen and you posted a pic and it doesn't look like they have a lot to comment about. I don't see anything very innovative to inspire much discussion. And I was poking fun besides.
For those that might not have 1500$ to go throw at a Mathews, PSE is a great company. While most of there bows might not be the most intriguing things to look at they are great shooting bows and deserve a place in the stand.
Picture from Lancaster's Facebook page. Evolve 31 and Carbon Air 34. Those carbon bows are ugly in my opinion.
I don't mind the looks of either of those bows. I did shoot a Carbon Air in the range last year and found it not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Actually it drew and shot pretty nice for a PSE. The cams on that new Carbon Air look like they'll be pretty smooth as well. I still prefer my Halon over any of their offerings that I've personally shot, but they certainly make some good bows. Regardless of brand I always enjoy seeing what's new for this year.
The carbon air kind of reminded me of a kids bow. I've only held it and that was enough for me to not like it.
I have never been impressed with their bows and I have never liked the looks of them. The whole concept of having limb dampeners on a bow out the box tells me that they are unable to design a quiet bow bare bow. Seems like they are expecting it to be noisy. I am sure someone will like them. They keep making them.
Have a low cost pse bow I bought a few years ago. 0 issue ls with it and it feels light years ahead of the bow I had used prior that was 10 yrs old. Kills deer good.
Bought my first pse in 2002. Hunted with it for 10 years and killed tons of deer with it with zero issues. Bought a new one in 2012 and still going strong with. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Personally I think pse is ok, they are not the best but are good for the money. If I was going to spend top dollar on a bow I would go with elite. When I shot a Mathews halon I was highly disappointed, way overrated
The website says the new bow has 90% let off . I shot a couple of the 2015 bows they were very fast and very quiet. I like A short valley myself . That is one of the reasons I shoot my prodigy in number 1 setting. It keeps me honest .