I took both boys hunting yesterday for the "youth" weekend. The oldest (14) decided he was going to bow hunt and the youngest (12) who hasn't taken a deer yet wanted to take his shotgun.So I set my oldest up in his lock on and harness and showed him his effective range and let em him be. My youngest and I went to another spot and sat on stools over a trail. At 5:45 a small 6 pt came right to us and turned broadside at 16 yards. He held it together for 45 seconds until the deer stopped looking at us and turned broadside. He clicked the safety off and fired. He shot right over top of him! I was elated for the chance and also disappointed, not with him, but the let down he felt. Either way it was all good after a bit of discussion and he was thankful for the chance. My oldest, texted me not long after and said he had 3 does come in but he didn't feel comfortable with the shot and he let them walk. He's killed a few deer with the gun, but never with a bow and this was his first bowhunt on his own.. I said to him, "son i am very proud of you" he said "why? I didn't kill one" I said true, but you showed a lot of will power and smart decision making for such a young hunter. He smiled and said, it wasn't my time yet.. These boys have been through hell along with me the past year and a half. Their mama decided she didn't want to be married any longer and she left a hole in all our hearts, and it has been a journey for us 3, but we have come full circle and I can be proud of my boys because they are maturing into fine young men in spite of diversity.
Great story and thanks for sharing. Good decision making on your boys. Had a similar experience once with my son and it was a great lesson. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
I loved that story, thanks for sharing. You are definitely raising great young men. Blessings..........Pastorjim
I am fighting hard to keep them on God's path. It isn't easy, but I will fight the good fight! thanks gentlemen!
Great story! I am sorry to hear that your marriage did not work out. However, it looks like you are doing a great job as a dad, especially under difficult circumstances.
thanks man Im trying..two teenage boys are tough!! without airing too much, it didn't work because she didn't want it to..