BEFORE YOU LEASE (or BUY) HUNTING PROPERTY IN OHIO: I live in Guernsey County, Ohio, and my wife and I are avid, dedicated and responsible deerhunters. The deer numbers are quickly dwindling in our area due to the mismangement of land-owner kill permits. Several of our neighbors, and many others in our county, are given unwarranted kill permits from the local DNR. These permits allow landowners and farmers free reign to SLAUGHTER deer with any weapon (and yes, that includes rifles, which are illegal for a licensed hunter to use to harvest deer in Ohio), at any time of the day, any manner, from spring to fall. It has become an "evening past-time" with some of the permit see how many deer they can kill. The sad fact of it is that some of the permit holders gut-shoot the deer so they don't have to deal with dead and dying deer on their property. Just yesterday, I went down to my pond to fish and smelled a horrible rotting-smell, finding a dandy 8 point, still growing in velvet, which was gut-shot and seems that he had layed there for some time and suffered. I'm going to start a petition and hopefully, things will change, however, this has been going on for MANY years now. Something to consider before you lease.....
This has been going on for years, and there are limits on those permits based on an assessment made by a wildlife officer. I understand if you're trying to ward off people from hunting your county and leasing up lots of land that you'd rather have to yourself, but you're misleading just a bit.....Guernsey County had almost 8,300 deer legally tagged in it last year (2009), up from nearly 8,000 in 2008, so I don't see it being too much of an issue. Also those permits are for antlerless and NON-trophy bucks only (Non-Trophy being defined as less than 8 points). Sneak WEST a county if you want to see where it's really bad....
I dont think its as bad as you say. My family has property in Guernsey and a house in Barnesville. There are plenty of deer. Not as big as here though
I've taken several deer using crop damage permits and it hasn't so much as touched the deer population. We're talking herds of 30 does at a time feeding on the crops. The way i look at it, the better the doe harvest, the better the buck population will thrive.