I'm against it. It seems that the countries that do have it are always complaining about it or coming to America to have their procedures done.
Extremely bad idea. Spend a few summers up here in Ontario and hear all the horror stories about waiting in the ER....actually, waiting for anything. Its a poor system and a very poor idea.....much like everything else that's government run.
i can't even begin to express how many ways this is bad... and the sad truth of the matter is that both sides are wrong on this... the status quo is a better than any other solution being proposed right now...
I figured most of us were on the same page about this. I sell insurance and talk to people about their health coverages. It blows my mind that alot of people think this is a great thing for America (if it happens). I hear people say everyday that they can barely pay their premiums now, and with their high deductibles, they can't even afford to get sick. Sad situation all the way around, no doubt.
Most people think that they will receive the same type of care they are getting now, the only thing their brain registers on this topic is "free." They have no clue how poor the care will become, how doctors and everyone in the medical field will become government employees and how much taxes will increase to pay for this. What's sad to me is the entitlement attitude that the people of our great country are getting. If this wasn't such a sue happy society, quality healthcare wouldn't cost nearly what it does. A couple years ago the city of Kenora and the surrounding communities were doing a fund raiser so the hospital could buy a CAT Scan machine. I found it funny that the largest hopsital in NW Ontario, west of Thunder Bay, had to do a public fundraiser to buy the machine. I thought all that was taken care of by the government. :huh:
Jeff, I had just gotten up, LOL. Question, If this monster becomes reality will it ever be able to be undone?
That's correct. I'd say once it begins...there will be no end. Now, you guys do know that you'll be able to keep your insurance through work, don't you? :D That is until your company starts doing the math and drops the coverage. Does anyone foresee this happening?
I will echo the comments already made.It is a really bad idea,Our government can't do any thing efficiently,the care will suck,the people who will be served by it are the one's milking the system now.(No offense intended for those who are truly in need) If the expense is passed on to employers you will see the elimination of plans and/or employee's being laid off.For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.You can't force business's to spend money they don't have.
I agree w/ you guys. Gov't run/sponsored anything has always been and will always be and utter failure. To me that spells BAD IDEA! Unfortunately many Americans right now are running scared due to the economy and stock market and aren't really thinking thru the whole picture regarding this topic. This whole mess resembles Hitlers path to power. He got control of the banks and large industry (bail out), and things like health care free or managed by his gov't. The people loved him. I wish we knew how that ended up.?!
I say cut up everyone that does not have health care and feed them to the fricken dogs, them no good for nothing freeloading Sons A britches. Kids to, no exceptions for their cute little asses.
This thread shows exactly the problem with politics today. The pendulum swings left then it swings right, never is it in the middle. Where a problem is looked at, thought out. and a solution is found. Bickering and whining from both sides leaves all of us unsatisfied and poorer.This divide is growing and we are all loosing for it.