When you first started bowhunting, well heck, even now, how much better/worse were your properties than they are now? Did you take a buck even though they were few and far between? How many Doe did you take before the 1st buck? Do you consider the area you hunt now to be "loaded" with deer? (Not bruisers, just deer)
When you first started bowhunting, well heck, even now, how much better/worse were your properties than they are now? 10 to 20 years ago the land I hunt was much better then, then It Is now (mature buck numbers wise) Did you take a buck even though they were few and far between? There were lots of bucks, I took the 1st buck that gave me a shot (1.5 year old 6 point). How many Doe did you take before the 1st buck? 2 baldys (doe fawn and a doe) My 1st 2 years bow hunting I was damn near done right away (shot the 1st thing that walked In front of me both years). Do you consider the area you hunt now to be "loaded" with deer? (Not bruisers, just deer) With just "deer"- Oh yeah!!!
My grounds are definately not LOADED with deer. Hvy Predation, Long rifle season through the rut and 100 inches of snow a year... Deer, especially big bucks have more room to find a hide out than most could imagine unless you've hunted out here. That being said with the logging practices the past 30 years I would say our habitat is even better and minus a very long rifle season ... our country holds a good age structure of deer if you are willing to get off the beaten path. A few hammers strung out amongst the big timber country as well. Rugged thick cover to slink away into and very difficult for a hunter to get in on them without being winded or heard.
Not In all area's It doesn't. Too many doe's and not enough bucks leads to many doe's not getting bred. The last 5 to 7 years I've noticed this way to much (no fawns with doe's). You area must be nuts with deer, your buck stats are Incredible!!
Do you have much public land in your area? 120 or so acres really isn't all that much room. That is a fraction of a bucks homerange. Ever think of expanding out of that land and locating some good bucks to hunt else where? It is impossible to think everywhere in your area is void or lacking older bucks especially considering the success of many of the MN guys here on the board. Maybe it is time to look somewhere else? Just a thought.
Deffenitly Is Scott! Finding new grounds would be great. What I typed earlier Is my grounds In a nut shell, no BSing there. What goes on there doesn't mean It's like that every where. 5 miles away from where I hunt my brother hunts a 20 acre wood lot owned by a guy he use to work for that's just full of awesome bucks. Wanna no why, good management Is practiced by everyone around that area/woods. I'm by no means speaking of Mn In general, just relating to where I hunt. New grounds to hunt around here are tough to come by, most of the gun hunters have everything tied up. I told you earlier this year that I was going to try and hunt some state land close to my house In hopes of catching a good buck In his Summer patterns yet, time will tell If I can get that done (depends If I can get the time off from my milk hauling, I'm hoping so). Bow hunting pressure around here Isn't much (even on state land) but as soon as duck and pheasant seasons open all bets are off. Gun hunting pressure on the state land Is outstanding. I never once said there Isn't any mature bucks around, come on now. I've said their lacking In numbers which Is spot on. Like I said In my post above your quote here, one area doesn't reflect what another area Is. I've hunted this woods for 21 years, I know It pretty well and sign don't lie. In the end your right though, new grounds need to be had. I've been working on this the last 2 to 3 years, hopefully I can find some good stuff. The only reason I've waited this long to find new places to hunt Is because of what the area/woods I hunt use to be like. It was outstanding, It's tough going elsewhere for that reason alone.
When you first started bowhunting, well heck, even now, how much better/worse were your properties than they are now?- Better- Fla was hot,muggy, and all public land - Did you take a buck even though they were few and far between? Yes - I managed to take two bucks in Fla- one spike and one 18inch 9point How many Doe did you take before the 1st buck? 15 Do you consider the area you hunt now to be "loaded" with deer? (Not bruisers, just deer) Compared to where I previously hunted - yes - the east coast of NC - definitely - where I hunt now was pretty good last year - think the rifle hunters may have taken a toll, though - they took 75 plus deer - time will tell
When you first started bowhunting, well heck, even now, how much better/worse were your properties than they are now? The farm was much better when I first started. Aunt and Uncle were still alive and farming. There was an 80acre bean field, 20 acre corn field, and 10 acre wheat field. Now there is cattle running on most of the farm from the guy that my cousin is allowing to use it. I have some clover fields/crp now but that's it. Did you take a buck even though they were few and far between? Bucks have never been few and far between on this place. There are plenty of them and good sized ones too. How many Doe did you take before the 1st buck? My first archery buck was a 8pt. that would go about 110". Do you consider the area you hunt now to be "loaded" with deer? (Not bruisers, just deer) I don't know if I would say loaded, I think there is just the right amount of deer on the farm. Always see deer.
Even though 99% of the land I hunt is public, it was WAY better when I first started hunting it... too many people have "discovered" it these days, and hence the reason I've been working as of late to find new places. My first archery deer was a buck... a small five pointer, but he opened the floodgates. Yes, I probably would say my area(s) are loaded... but with mostly does, yearlings and 1.5s... gets a lot rarer to see 2.5s, and it's EXTREMELY rare to see a 3.5 and older. There's a few there, but they turn nocturnal and live out their days in untouchable places for the most part.
When you first started bowhunting, well heck, even now, how much better/worse were your properties than they are now? When I started I had great properties, I just didn't know jack. I've got some decent properties now, but there were some real slammers on the properties I used to hunt around Pittsburgh. Did you take a buck even though they were few and far between? I tried to take them. LOL My inexperience cost me a couple of great opportunites. How many Doe did you take before the 1st buck? 4 Doe with a bow before the first buck. Do you consider the area you hunt now to be "loaded" with deer? (Not bruisers, just deer) No doubt there are a lot of deer where I hunt now. "Loaded" maybe.