I thought they made a little torch attachment thing that screwed onto the propane bottles that most folks use for lanterns or camping grills... Went to Wally World tonight expecting to find one easily and didn't. A quick search on the 'net turned up zilch as well. Where should I look... got any ideas?
They are at wally world,you just missed it.Check in the automotive area and tools. Most likely they will be attached to a big blue bottle of propane,that or yellow.In that area you should be able to find just the end.
Thanks Todd... You're right; i was in the camping section where they sell the hundreds of propane bottles.
Todd's 100% right. Also, you may not find them in Wal-Mart, when I got mine a while ago (for hot glue - inserts and such) I got it from Home Depot, and it was in a seperate section from the grill tanks as well. I think it was in the plumbing section. It came in a package with the tank and the nozzle.
Yeah, they are everywhere. Use them all the time for soldering copper pipes at work! bernzomatic are the best :D