The procedures I follow on the range are always the following standard uniform steps -- #1 - place my right foot; #2 - place my left foot; #3 - knock an arrow; #4 - hold the string and relax my grip on the bow; #5 - seat my grip on the bow and point my thumb and index finger towards the target; #6 - raise the bow and aim without drawing on the bowstring; #7 - take a deep breath and then relax and let it out; #8 - while inhaling deeply, pull back on the string with my back, shoulders, and arm, and bring the string back to my natural locking point on my jaw; #9 - aim at the middle of my aiming point; #10 - release and continue aiming while I watch the allow fly to the target. Thereafter, for the rest of the "end," I keep my feet exactly where they are, and start over with step #3 with a new arrow either from my bow-quiver or from my bucket of arrows nearby. This gives me pretty good consistent groups. I wonder if anyone else has a predetermined step-by-step method that they follow as well.