Two yrs ago Al did put a limit on bucks. you can kill 2 bucks of choice but the third has to have 3pts on one side. The problem is they have no way to enforce it. there are 3 blanks on the license for you to fill out, but lets face it not many people will be honest.
heres my take on this argument. i have participated on several spotlight surveys on various refuges and one preserve where no deer hunting is allowed, all in Oklahoma. along on these surveys are the refuge biologists. over the course of several nights at each of these areas the cumulative b/d ratios have always been around 6:1. now sure there are some deer that wnt be seen, sure there are some deer counted more than once over the course of the survey, but it seems according to the biologists, and according to my own personal experience that a ratio of 5 or 6:1 is possible.
if they made you actually register your deer it would help, but they really don't... hell, half the folks I know down there don't even get a license even though they abide by the season dates...
Jeff, using your numbers from your first example, there was an error in math. 120 does......................................12 bucks................... = 10 does/buck. Bucks breed 8 does each....... 96 bred does and 24 unbred does 1.5 birthing rate (surviving)....144 fawns....... 72 doe fawns and 72 buck fawns Total 24 unbred does, 96 bred does and 72 doe fawns = 192 does. 12 bucks and 72 buck fawns = 84 bucks.............2.29 does/buck. Now throw in a hunting season where 3 times as many bucks are shot then does. This is from the OPs statistics from the '80's. 68 bucks are shot and 23 does are shot. Now you have 192 -23 = 169 does total and 84 - 68 = 16 bucks Now your doe/buck ratio is 10.56 does/buck. The doe/buck ratio has actually gotten worse. Go like that for a couple of decades and see what you end up with. Note: there are a lot of variables that haven't been taken into account.
no doubt it is... i personally know of 4 different folks in Marion Co that have taken as many as 20 deer in a single season there... and its common for them to take 10+... the attitudes are beginning to change a little down there, but its slow and its the young crowd thats doin it...
That's what the guy is saying. They have had decades of massive buck kill offs, so has Wisconsin. It takes years to recover. The point is, I believe that it is possible to have a worse doe/buck ratio than 3:1. I've hunted one many times.
I don't care what the whole state Is doing for numbers. All I care about and know about Is the area I'm hunting In. Here's the kill numbers last year from my zone I hunt In. Adult Bucks- 1259 BB's- 118 Adult Doe's- 459 Doe Fawns- 71 Total- 1.907 Total deer were taken In my zone 72% of the deer taken In 2008 In my zone were bucks (BB's Included) Remember me saying people don't like to shoot doe's around here? I guess no one In the whole zone likes to either.
277 Jeff. It really doesn't matter to me I guess what goes on In my zone (It's of good size). I just know whats going on In the neighboring woods and sections that surround me. I know most of the hunters that hunt around here, people don't shoot doe's and they'll tell you that straight out. Whatever I guess, nothing I can do about It.
Jeff, the first line of my equation post reads......... These were numbers you got from the OP. The point was to show that it is possible to have a doe/buck ratio greater than 3:1. I will look up the numbers from Wis, but we did kill way to many bucks and still are. But we also have SOME better rules in effect now. Like Schultze said, We're not concerned with the state average as we are for the very area we hunt. Some areas are worse than others.