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Private land etiquette?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by INbowhunter, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. selfbros

    selfbros Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Glen Carbon, IL
    It really depends on the lease. some farmers leasing ground will have 100% rights to being on the property, some leases are only good for certain time frames, while others provide more details of what's what. we've lease waterfowl grounds (5 acres) and were not happy to find blase orange surrounding us in the morning. they too were "Family" of the land owner. who do you feel worst for in that situation? we were paying money to shot ducks and they were there to kill deer. there were some harsh words spoken that day from the deer hunters, because we hammered the heck out of ducks all morning long. no deer were shot. lol The next few years, our lease read "no access to ground during rifle season". Problem solved.
  2. S.McArthur

    S.McArthur Die Hard Bowhunter

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Greenbrier, Tn
    I think you've handled it well, who knows, once you guys see how each other hunt you may become partners on the property. Maybe offer to help out with some farm stuff and come up with a plan to manage the property together. The owners of the property I hunt gave permission to some guy I didn't know and his son who moved back home. Rather than hide the land, I gave them a full tour and even pointed out where they should hunt and even told them to hunt the pre-set stands I had up. One of them only hunted a few times for turkey but other than that they did not step foot on the property. It's not my property and I'll be damned if I let a pissing match get in the way of having a private piece of property to hunt.
    A few years ago the land owner had another piece of 74 acres touching the same piece of property I still have, his brother gave two guys permission to hunt it along with myself. I had been scouting and hunting it through bow season and one guy a friend of the permission person was already at the agate waiting on his friends to arrive for opening day of muzzle loader. Well, I introduce myself and this guy starts with an attitude questioning where my permission card is and where my blaze orange is. Once again, I explain who I am and who I have permission for and that my orange is still in my truck since I've only taken 3 steps out of the truck. He continues to have this attitude and I just leave for the other property. I could have told him to F off, but I waited until Monday morning and relayed the encounter to the owner (also a coworker). I explain how I didn't care to start any issues but this is what happened, everyone lost privileges to that property, I was not mad at all, he still let me hunt the other 54 acre piece. I ended up talking to one of the guys that actually had permission and he got a different story, in the end I got an apology and I think he even stopped talking to the other guy; no one got to hunt that piece anymore, yet I still got the 54 acre piece to myself.
    Long story, avoid making issues for the property owner unless everyone wants to lose access. I've said it before, I met some of the biggest pricks in the hinting community.

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