What do you all use to prevent rust on your rigs? My Mathews itself is fine, but many of the screws on my accessories are beginning to show signs of rust. I have some house hold oil that I could use, but I don't want to go into the woods smelling like a chemical factory. Do you know of any scent-free oils, or have any other recommendations?
I used gun cleaning oil (Hoppes) only because it was at the end of the season, and I wasn't worried about scent. Mineral oil would work, though, and be scent free.
Just use some mineral oil on the wifes toothbrush, and give it hell. :d Make sure to rinse the brush frequently as the rust comes off too. If that doesn't do it, use a copper brush for cleaning a rifle, that will get it done. Once done coat lightly with a qtip coated in mineral oil.