Hey Peak, you got any of these around you? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/video/flv/generic.html?s=inwi10s22a3q81f
John actually they claim their is one about a 20 minute drive from me but I have not seen this doe. So I am going to start driving over there and see if I can get her on film. Thanks for sharing man! GregH have you seen her yet over off of KR?
I saw that deer last fall but not this year as of yet. It was hanging out on the SW corner of KR and the west frontage road. It was an albino doe.
Montana makes no special provision of protection for white deer, as they call it a freak of nature and tagable.
As it should be anywhere. If it's legal to tag it should be legal to tag regardless of color. There was a white black bear around Juneau a couple years ago and a bunch of antis got together and successfully got legislation through to make it illegal to shoot a white bear. Crazy thing is that a LOT of hunters got on board with them to make it happen. It's a slippery slope that they've treaded out on. There is no scientifically sound reason to protect these critters (and there is even sound reason to eliminate them) so the arguments for protecting them become purely emotional. Once you give credence to one emotionally backed argument there's no reason to deny another; "Don't kill any animals because they're all cute and need protection." Be careful where your emotions lead you...
Protecting them seems a little overboard. They should sleep in the anti's yard like the rest of the smart deer. If they choose to walk into hunting territory, then they should be allowed to shoot.