Well I can't catch a break! Yesterday I had a little accident with an angle grinder with a metal cutting blade. Cut my ring finger on the right hand pretty bad, could've been much worse so I won't complain too much. I'm not supposed to use that finger until I see a hand specialist next wednesday. I was planning to hunt this morning but when I woke up the pain meds had worn off & I didn't feel like sitting in the cold & hurting. I'm going to try & make it out sunday morning.
I seen a guy cut his tendon on top of his had before real gross. hope everything works out for you I could post a pic of the guys had if u want
checked my camera this afternoon and have a bunch of a doe with twins and they are covered with a lot of spots can't believe how tiny they are still. Also have two smaller bucks.
I filmed a tiny spotted fawn last night and it was by itself. Crazy. Not sure if mom dead or what but fawn is coyote food if she is
I was earlier this afternoon and filmed an old timer buck with a half rack. Next time out should be Wednesday.
All I saw this morning was my breath. It was cold, wind chill in the low 20s. I'll be doing an all day since Saturday and Monday as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wish we would get a cold front or just cooler weather in general forecast is saying 80 degrees this weekend
it's gonna be a warm one this weekend about got us some points on the board this morning with my truck a four pointer was chasing a doe hard
I got pictures with my bow as well. Before someone gets worried about that. But I'm incredibly happy with this buck as I put this set up just to hunt him where I thought he might be bedding and it worked! I got in the stand and used a mini buck bomb with buck pee and grunted toward the thicket he seemed to be hanging around. He couldn't take it came out bristled up and ready to show someone who was boss. He made a scrape and walked right up to 15 yards started to lay his hair back down and look around but the ole Hoyt and muzzy three blade were already cocked and loaded. Shot, watched my luminock disappear in the sweet spot. He jumped mule kicked and walked 5 yards then looked around and tipped over. I can't believe it all worked just as I had hoped. I'll get him scored and put some points on the board!!