I know we have some predator chasers on here. What are you using for electronic calls? I love coaxing yotes, but I have always used mouth calls. They work fine, but sometimes I wish I had an electronic call to do the work for me. I think I am going to buy one soon so I can test my skills in a neat little area. I found a spot I don't want to deer hunt, so I am gonna give the predators a try. Watcha got?
I have been using a Extreme Dimensions Phantom Pro series for about five years now and love it. It has got about a 150 yard range (if you get the wireless), it's reasonably priced (about $250 I believe), and they have GREAT customer service. I had to send mine in about six months ago because it was messed up. The speaker was super staticy and the antenna was broken off. I called them and they told me to ship it to them and send a check for $9.95 to cover the shipping back. It took them about a week and I got a hand written note in the box telling me thank you for using their calls and best of luck. They have had the best customer service of any kind of hunting/gun/bow company I have dealt with so far! Also, I like the fact that you can change the type of call so easily and they have a wide varity of calls. (preadtor, whitetail, bear, turkey elk, and snow goose) Oh, and their calls work great!
I made my own with an MP3, mini amp, and loudhorn speaker for under $50. I also nearly became a Foxpro owner. Either way, I MUCH prefer hand calls....more fun and more of an accomplishment in my eyes. I use both every year, but given the choice its hand calls here. I'd get a Minaska or Foxpro if I was you.
I am intrigued by this homemade e-caller you mentioned Trevor. I did some internet snooping and it looks easy (and cheap) enough.I think I will give it a try and see what I can come up with. There are some guys out there who have made some really awesome calls. Besides, I love to tinker. If I can make something myself, I would prefer to do it that way. Even if it doesn't work well, I won't be out that much.
Check out Varmint Al's website. He has the recipe on there to make your own call. Mines works great. http://www.varmintal.com/ahunt.htm#El-Cheapo
I use mouth calls and have had great success! I love calling the coyotes! I also went to Al's website a couple years back and downloaded all his sounds to my iPod planning on rigging up some sort of homemade call but never got around to it. Now i just listen to the calls in my truck on the way to the field, sort of a warm up and practice!
Will, I have a FoxPro as well... they're awesome. I still always have the mouth/hand call in my pocket but the FoxPro is hard to beat and I've used a lot of different ones. I'm sure you remember my obsession with predators :D Anyway, I've called in yotes, bobcats, hogs, crows, coons... you name it (all with the proper sounds of course).