Is there any advice you guys can give for tightening up grouping at 40 yards? Besides the obvious practice more. :d I've started shooting a lot this week since turkey season is now over and I am going to shoot in my first tournament on Saturday. I've noticed in my practicing that I have a pretty good grouping at 20 yards. It losens up a little at 30 but still decent, but 40 yards eh not so much. I keep it on the target but I wouldn't call it a group. Just wondering if you guys have any advice or if practice is all I can do. Oh and I busted an arrow for the first the other night at 20 yards. Go me! I know some of you guys have done that a bunch but I've only been shooting a bow for a year and I got excited being the first time for me. Small victories!
If you want your groups to get better at 40, perfect your shot by practicing at a distance where you can trust your execution and pin float. I do this at 10 yards in my basement. I'll likely start next week with my practice and training for the upcoming GTG, and after I'm confident that the bow is setup, sighted in, and tuned properly...........for the first week I'll simply shoot in the basement at 10 yards. After that I'll split up my shooting sessions starting with short range practice to reinforce execution, I'll do a good 20+ aiming drills where I won't shoot, just get comfortable with floating in the X ring. Then I'll likely shoot another 20-30 arrows at all distances I have a pin for. Once this is all done, I'll grab a notepad, pen, and rangefinder and head into the woods to practice picking numbers.
i just can never seem to hold it all that steady at 40. I have the same problem. 20 is awesome 30 is decent but still good and 40 is just not the best. Does it actully help to shoot 10 yards a bunch? I've heard of people just pulling back and aiming the pin not shooting? does any1 do this and think it works?