As many of you know I drew a mule deer tag in Wyoming. I'm also planning a trip to Ohio for an epic trick with the Buckeye himself. Combine that with my Oklahoma season and it was looking pretty stellar for the 2009 deer season. So today... it just got a whole lot better :D My boss bought me a NR Kansas tag and my hunting license But wait... it gets better. Also, I've been contemplating a Hiatus this fall... well I kind of hinted at that to the boss and he wasn't overly excited about that (this was prior to the license purchase). I'm scheduled to take the second part of my Certified Professional Constructor exam on November 7th, he said that he'd give me a significant amount of time off to study for the test instead! I guess I may have to take a book with me to the stand after all,I'm stoked all I have to do is pass! I'll be off for several weeks in October/November and I'll be hunting in 4 states!
Awesome deal man! I'll be deer hunting in Alaska, Arizona, and Kentucky this year with a combined 5 deer tags in my pocket. Combine that with cameraman duties for Rut hunts in Illinois, Missouri, and possibly Tennessee and I got a great season brewing as well. Hope you bag a mulie! You doing an early season high country hunt or waiting till later on when they come down lower?
Hey Dustin.... ummmm yea..... you suck :d Sounds like you are gonna have one hell of a season... becareful in Ohio... those guys really love their nuts Of course, we will all be expecting lots of photos!
That's awesome. Sometimes I wish I could trade my summers off for the equivalent off during deer season.
Yo Dubbs, can't wait to see you in Ohio...(as long as Scott lets me come over..i get to meet his sister in law too then :evil: )
That's great. You gotta let me know when you'll be up at buckeye's place & if you guys are staying local or heading off to some of his other places.
You're livin' the dream, Dustin I hope you drop a monster in every state! And remeber, if you and Scott aren't seeing what you want up there, you guys come south a couple hours and see me :d
Yeah... he said something about me having to share a room with her or something :d I'll be in Unit 9 near Marrysville, it was pretty incredible last year... hopefully I'll let the string down in 2009. Rybo/Josh, I have no idea what "The Man" has planned... but it better be good! :D
I am going to put you in the "no mans land" spots while I sit in the best spots... I am only having you around to help me drag mine out! :d
If you need someplace to take a nap on your way, I have a spare bedroom. And if you have a few spare days, IL has some tags left over. They go on sale August 11th. I'm just sayin, if your in the neighborhood. I may need some help dragging too!:d
That's pretty cool Dubs! I love it when men step outside the norm. Break a leg! Make sure you get pics!