Was it on here that someone was talking about this company? Or elsewhere? How do you guys like them? I'm thinking of trying to order the Woodsman II? Anyone know if they have the Realtree Advantage Timber coating, or laminate?
This is the sixth Posten I have owned. One was a V-bar setup for my Hoyt ProElite, the other two were side bars I converted into a hunting stabilizer. The only thing that was missing from the couple of bars I have owned before this newest one was the weight stack. All I have to say is, it made a HUGE difference when compared to a 10" stabilizer without the stack. I'm really happy with the way this newest one turned out. The powder doesn't match 100% in the photos, but it looks closer to matching in person. As far as the RT Advantage Timber question, just go ahead and talk to Jim. He is a great guy to deal with. He does get swamped from time to time with PM's, so be patient and he will reply. Without further adieu this is my latest Posten (a 8" stab with weight stacks). I already have a good idea how the next stabilizer is going to look when I pick up my next bow.
He's over on AT. You can PM him through there. If not, he'll respond to e-mail as well. Heck, I could give you his phone number but I believe it is already on his website.
I emailed them, Jennifer answered to it. She said it is only available in E-leaf. Is that the pattern that you have on yours? Or did that get custom dipped? I kind of want it to match my bow, but in all honesty, I just don't care all that much. I jsut don't know about the E-leaf pattern itself. Not sure if I like it.
Don't quote me, but I believe you can have him send it off to get custom dipped in any pattern you want, you'll just pay more. This is because he can't dip it himself, he'll have to send it off to another dipper. I am pretty certain he can do this, I was thinking about this option when ordering my last Woodsman. The carbon rod inside the stabilizer was just a wrap (Realtree APG). I wanted HD Green, but all he had was APG. For what is actually showing through the holes it really doesn't look that different. :D
Yeah. Because of you, I'm now on AT. Just made my first two posts, just so I could pm him. lol. Ahh well. Just another thing to distract me from this world.
AT is hit or miss. That thread is pretty solid. Mostly great guys on Jim's thread. The rest of the place, minus the classifieds, is sometimes rough to get involved in. I would much rather post here. The classifieds is really something to check out. The amount of stuff that goes through that forum is amazing.
Okay. Well, now I want to know... lol. Is the black color they have truely flat black? or does it still give off some shine?
This ought to be good. I just ordered a Black out/evergreen inside, Woodsman I. I think I want to find someone that can dip this later on. Would that be possible? I don't know why not. Maybe even go through waterdog.
You should have no trouble getting it dipped later, but the black out should be just fine on the glare. Posten stabs are top notch, and many people shoot them over on AT. I went with a small company as well from over there called Xtreme Stabilizers. Like Bols said, the weight stack is a nice added benefit to customize the stabilization. I think you will be very satisfied with yours. The woodsman was on my very short list of contenders when I was shopping around.
Sorry, I didn't see this tread and your "new" questions until now. The sight on my bow is an Axcel Armortech. It is a newer sight that hit the market this year. Axcel sights are made by T.R.U. Ball, the release company. It is a extremely well crafted sight, with fully protected pin fibers. Full micro-adjustable adjustments to windage, elevation, and each individual pin. So far I am pleased with the sight, but I am also curious to see the new Octane sight in person as well. And then there are also the tried and true Spot Hogg sights. If I got another bow, the sight would be the hardest accessory for me to pick out again. As far as the black goes concerning glare, I don't think you will have any problems with glare. The flat black is indeed flat, as opposed to the anodizing black he uses on his standard bars (non-Woodsman). The standard black has some glare to it, the flat black, won't! You made a good decision for your first bar and you are correct, you could have this stabilizer dipped later without too many problems! I think you will really enjoy this stabilizer.
I've watched Jim's products since he launched them. He continues to improve on a great product and it appears now he has become a major player in the stabilizer game. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase one of his products.