Me and a buddy just acquired a new piece of land to hunt we are goin down to post it tommorrow. And we have never had to post a piece of property before. It is 35 acres,how many posted signs do you think we will need to cover the perimeter of the land and how far should we space them out? There are a couple adjoining properties and we are not sure but have a gd idea that people in the area hunt and probably have and are hunting our new land. Thanks
I would post it, believe it or not it does work, might not keep people from moving through your property but they will second guess setting up on your property,(as they know they might lose their set up) Id post along the survey tape, and keep the survey line clean(keep it cut) I drive my quad a few times a year on it, after a while its obvious where the line is, and your posted signs will seem more apparent to someone walking in the woods..
yeah for sure..if i had my own property.....i would post this sign "Private Property, Stay the **** Out!!! Hidden Cameras"
Check you Regulations for posting information. In MN you need a sign every 1000 ft along clear boundaries, every 500ft in wooded areas, as well as at the property corners and any entry point (road, trail, etc.).
As mentioned above, check your state regs. Private land is considered just that here in Illinois.... PRIVATE, and legally we do NOT have to post it. However, I bought metal posted signs, mounted them on plywood backs and then posted approx every 50 to 100 yards, depending on openings and possible access points to trespassers. I also made sure that any trails, roadways and gates gets signs on each side to make it very obvious. Also, the quality metal signs will last for many years and their bright Orange color can be seen from greater distances. Good luck with your property
Plus they must be signed by the land owner or leasee and the county sheriff or they technicaly are not valid here in good ole MN
Do what you want but I posted some land once about 15 years ago, didn't help in fact I think it made things worse. I would just run people off, it will take a couple of years but they'll get the picture. Oh yeah, don't try to be funny and write something like "Tresspassers will be shot on sight", or "First shots are not warning shots", the Sheriff does not appreciate humor like that and will make you take them down, trust me I know.
clearing the borderes is a good idea. not too too hard either try to get a shooting club license. we have no problem with trespassers on ours lol signs say "Danger, live fire range, licensed shooting preserve" lol then the usual "no trespassing, licenesed shooting preserve"
Yea as mentioned, check your state's laws/requirements, but I would definitely post them. I only have 6 posted signs up, but that is plenty for how the land is situated, hard to explain. It backs up against my neighbor's property who has his posted also. I got lucky and found property that happened to have a hardcore bowhunter and really nice guy as a neighbor. He lives on his land, and watches over ours. Really did get lucky.. Good luck with your efforts, its your land, so you have the right to keep others out. I'm sure you may hear "we'll I've been hunting here for __ years, why should I have to leave"..Just tell them nicely that its your land and it is private with no trespassing..If they give you lip after that, call the authorities or give the CO the person's license plate # and let them know they wanna keep an eye on things.
Is this land that you just got permission to hunt? If so, has the land owner approved of you posting the land?
Not sure about your regulations but to cut down on cost of posting signs, here in Missouri purple paint is equivalent to a no trespassing sign. Save you a few bucks.
Yea, if it is not your property, make sure it is ok to post it. Another thing is make sure you post it OUT OF REACH!! You'll be amazed at how many people want to borrow your signs! I have used the metal signs in the past like someone else mentioned earlier but around here they become a very expensive target if you know what I mean, especially if you are posting several hundred acres worth. I go to my Ag Supply store and get a role of signs. There is about 100 in each role and they are not expensive. They are thin and feel like paper but have a plastic (or something) coating for weatherproofing. They will last a few years if no one gets hold of them. Good Luck