This should be one of my favorites... A proud moment and milestone, for sure... Not sure it actually is my favorite though...
Ran across this photo recently. My first climbing tree stand. The BAKER death trap!!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My first buck in 5+ years, my biggest buck ever, my first double ever...... all in one hunt!! Sent from my SM-N975U using Forums mobile app
she get so excited! I have to let her play with the “deer paws” after i cut the hooves off haha. shes also my makeup artist! this is my little guy “the hammer” He’s gonna be a stick of dynamite in a few years. Ive definitely met my match already. Should be a good hunting buddy.
This is one of my favorite after kill photos... Also have a video to this hunt if anyone's interested.
My daughter and I seen a fox run into a roadside culvert. All I had was my bow. I told her to wiggle her foot in one end while I guarded the other end. He came flying out and I took him on the run right up the pooper. Holy crap, this was about 25 years ago.
Yup that was my lucky coin skin hat. Wore it for 4 or 5 years when I started hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My plan is to make a couple for my kids this fall. I don't know anything about it but I'm sure I can at least get a tail for them and that will make them happy. I always wanted one as a kid!!!