This was me at 20 years old in 1989. I was invited to shotgun hunt and I harvested my first deer ever, a doe, and the obsession was in motion!!
This is one of my favorites more because of the hunt than the actual photo. I shot it while hunting solo, called it in to 20 yards right at last light after dogging him and his 4 cows for two hours. I stopped it after the shot so it only went about 30 yards before going down, but I was a LONG ways from camp. It was around 3 am by the time I recruited my BIL’s help and we had it finally hanging at camp. Photo is the next morning after about 4 hours of sleep, before we headed for a cooler, so far from an ideal photo setup ha ha. This was around 14 years ago, I would’ve been 34 years old.
2012, 32 degrees, He was a heck of a drag for me but Hubble met me in the lane way with the tractor to get him to the house...very proud of that shot with the Browning. He was moving at a fair clip and I calculated and led the shot perfectly.
Seeing this is a bow site I should post my favorite bow pic. This isn't my biggest but it is one of my favorite hunts.
My biggest buck to date. Shot last year on October 6. Also shot a doe an hour and a half before shooting this buck. Sent from my SM-G973U using Forums mobile app
My Current screen saver. My 96 year old Dad a couple of weeks ago. He caught dinner from the dock. We never made it in the boat.
No question about it. My brothers and I (minus 1 who’s deployed) after my ‘19 buck. We watched him all summer and I was able to get it done on November 1st. It was truly a great night. Here’s the full story if your into that kind of thing: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is my favorite deer, but there's a few other pictures I like of my future hunting buddy more. He loves "camping" in the back yard And fishing at the farm And his favorite is sitting with me a few feet off the ground in the saddle looking for birds, rabbits, and squirrels in the back yard. And don't dare call the Mrs "aunt Becky. She despises that for some reason