I wish I had a picture of the first deer I ever shot I was a self taught hunter not allowed to keep my guns in the house. Took me till I was 25 to take deer and my luck as a gun hunter sucked I failed at so many levels. Been better with a bow, that was my retirement gift to myself after coaching football
Here is my favorite because I had to talk myself into going hunting this day. It was the very last day of our bow season (ended Dec. 31st) and it was 11 degrees when I shot him. Only one hour left in the season. It was so cold even my field wipes couldn’t get the blood off his antlers
So I know I shared one before already, but since then something happened and my little man amended my entry:
Turkey hunting with my son. He gets so excited to hear them gobble back that he can barely stop on his slate.
Great story and picture. It takes dedication to go out and hunt in those conditions. One year I shot a deer on opening day in September and then shot another on the last day of our season. It was December 31st as well. It wasn't as cold as your day but it was a long season!
Great bunch pics guys I remember the days when pics were taken and a tailgate shot,beer n a smoke in the lips were norm.
One of my favorites. Got me, the animal, the bow and most importantly, the wife. She had turned 50 the day before.
This is a rifle kill. Only animal I ever killed with a rifle. This is the man who was the first person to ever take me hunting. No one in my family hunted. He had cancer pretty bad in this picture and passed about 4 months later. I drew my first ever moose tag and took him as my sub permittee. We rented a place in northern maine for the week and had a memorable hunt. He had actually called in a big moose a few days earlier. That was the highlight of the trip. We got this 820lb bull on the last night.
The first pic is of my dad, my self and my oldest son. My dad passed away this July. He was the one who got me into hunting. He only took me deer hunting a couple of times ( he wasn’t that into it) but we went goose hunting and small game hunting a lot. The pic is from a couple years ago when my son shot his first goose. The 2nd is the buck i shot with my bow back in 2017. Still my biggest to date and the last time I killed a deer with a bow.
Christine & I both bow hunting the same property about a mile apart both shot and killed about the same time ... sure do miss hunting with my best friend.
Ya we have thought about it but its just not in our retirement budget, They moved there for both of them to work for a bullet manufacturing company . She has a camera that takes awesome photos she also took this one of me with my biggest doe.