My first ever archery deer. 13 years old. And my biggest to date. 47 yeArs old. Been at this a looooong time. Never gets old!!!
Great buck! I shot one almost just like that in 2012. I love chocolate racked 8 pointers Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
this was an aggressive 3 year old. Passed him up several times that year but with gun season opening in 2 days, I decided to kill him. He was a bully and chased off older bucks. Made a marginal hit and had to wait till morning. Coyotes ate out his one ham..
My best archery buck. Heart shot it. Maybe went 30yds. Had to call my cousin to help me get it on the truck. Dressed out over 180lbs.
I shot a bully buck. He had a huge body, dressed over 225 #. Not much for a rack, only about 138" of antler, but very sturdy and built for fighting. Photobucket seems to have my photos held hostage but in the pic below the bully buck is on the far left.
I searched but I couldn't find a decent pic of my big boy from 2007. Here is a thumb nail of him. 160 and change. Best woods shot is this 10 that I shot 2009 mid 120's Best throw back pick I could find was this truck pic from mid 1990's.
Always for some reason liked the black and white shot of Cicero from 2018 and the black and white from last years as well. *clearly no clue how to attach photos any more on the site without doing the stupid "upload file option". Screw it, editing post and attaching as 'upload a file' zero clue why it won't let me embed them at all.
Alright, I am cheating a little none of these are bow kills. My dad and brother do not bow hunt, so my hunting with them is mainly with a rifle. The two bucks I have killed with my bow, I do not have good trophy pictures of due to long recoveries and needing to process meat right away. Alberta Mule Deer 2012 Alberta Elk 2015
I don't know a wise man once told me to use the flash to get rid of hat brim shadows...the dude is like a legend of a deer hunter so.... LOL
This is my favorite kill shot. This guy weighed in at 275. He was also the first deer I ever shot that I had a previous trailcam pic. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
this is my favorite pic and it’s from this year!!! 2020. Double up with my best bud/ Beother in law. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
This is the first deer I killed that my daughter has seen, she was loving it yelling DEEERR when she saw it. Every time I see it I can hear her and I start laughing.