He got them at Best Buy (Zoombak). I started looking into them when I got home lastnight. Not a bad idea. Best buy and the site Justin linked seemed to be the best (and smallest).
I know exactly what my revenge would be. -No jail. -No fine. -Shoot, he can keep the camera. -All he has to do is register his location (like a sex offender). Then, once a year I'd get to kick him in the nutz! Just think, it would be like Christmas for me! "Tomorrow is Ball Kicking Day!!!":D On the flip side, he would be thinking of that day all year long. Then when the day came.... *knock, knock*.... and when the door opens- *BAM*!!!! My face sequence -> :D His face sequence -> .....
We should all invest in things like this for hunting!!! http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/cellular-surveillance.html
First picture I ever got with my trailcam was a trespasser. I have NO tolerance of people like that. Glad he got caught.