I entered a buck into P&Y so I can prove to you all how totally and completely awesome I am as a hunter. And most importantly, how much better I am than anyone who hasn't entered a buck into the books. Especially Dan. Take that!
Each P&Y news letter (4 In a year) that I receive shows animals that were entered the last 3 months or so. A few different times I've posted the Info up on how many P&Y bucks came from each state from one newsletter. There's no where you can find this stuff on recent entries of the P&Y. Only way Is to buy something from the P&Y club or become a member and receive the newsletters like I do.
Hang on a second All I am looking for is a list of how many P+Y bucks have been entered on a yearly basis from state to state over say the last 5-10 years..........just the Top 10 would be fine. NO ONE on this board has that information??........that seems crazy to me. We hear stuff all the time about where states rank in the P+Y order so I assume the rankings are (or should be) readily available with details of numbers of entries. Am I wording this wrong or something??
I hunted in New Foundland, Dan, they all knew about the record keeping clubs. Must be a vast difference between them and the people in AB and SK? Don't take offense, but I'm not buying it. In this day and age, with the media that is available, people that hunt know about these organizations. No information barrier. What it boils down to is that they either choose to enter them or they don't. It's that simple. The other thing is................... I don't believe that the words "hunting" and "competition", belong in the same conversation. It will lead to the ruin of the sport. Hunting is a personal activity, there is no room for competition. As for differences in "competitive" people by region or culture, it's a wash. All humans are competitive by nature, they always will be.
Anyone that thinks there's no "competition" in hunting is fooling themsleves. Hunters on TV (and otherwise ) either know the "score" of their deer before it hits the ground.....or have a tape on them before the carcass is cooled. Are these folks just trying to "best" themselves? It's extremely obvious who is and isn't competitive (hunting-wise) on this board. It's EXTREMELY obvious. You make the call. LOL....you have NO IDEA:D. Newfie's????? Hell...the Canadians I know don't recognize Newfoundland as part of the country.
It seems strange that you missed the point of these record books Bruce. They are for recognizing the animals not the hunter. Also they are for recognizing the more magnificant or trophy specimens of the species, not the age or over all health of the herd. But you knew that. You also knew that the animals weren't just killed so their antlers could be measured. That would be absurd. Just as absurd as someone thinking that those numbers was a measurement of skill. Wow! How about this...... A guy spots a great buck and decides to hunt it. After two year of trying, he finds that this buck is a very canny advesary. On the third year he finally finds himself in position and kills the buck. The memories from hunting this buck are very special for the guy and the buck was a truly great specimen that he decides to enter it in one of the books. That seems respectful and honorable to me.
See what I mean about "competition" ruining hunting? I know Canadians too Jeff so I do have AN IDEA. Their sentiments do not echo yours. LOL
Greg...I meant no malice. We go to Canada at least a couple times/yr....and have since 2004. Our best friends live in Brantford (Ontario)....and we also have dear friends in Hamilton (Ontario). Walter (Hamilton) is a "Newfie". We've also been there. Just stating what we've seen. It's not so hard to imagine, though. Hell they're not real warm and fuzzy with Quebec (for some strange reason). Au-revoir.
I would agree, I have seen guys post 3000 post on why their deer are not as big as other locations:D What's funny about hunting is guys get all uptight on what people shoot. Some get uptight because they shoot a small buck. Some get uptight because guys shoot bigger deer then them.
"WHY" isn't even debatable. If those same people are complaining, I could see that getting old. Luckily, I see NONE of that.
Why do we only respect and honor bucks and not does? I have read many, many times that an old doe is just as canny an adversary as an old buck, written by hunters with skill and whom I respect, yet nothing is done to honor and respect them.The doe could be a great speciman and the memories could be the same but I guess there is nothing to measure on them so they don't deserve the same honor and respect that antlers do. Greg, I have a great deal of respect for you and your skill and I ask this question in all earnestness. If the bucks didn't have antlers would that change the special memories and whether this buck was a great specimen or not?
Greg, how can you go from using this in your argument....... To this...... (Especially the bold) You went from completely disagreeing with me, to completely agreeing with me. Let me use your words and sum up everything I have said, one more time........ Now, it looks like we only have one disagreement..... In certain areas, people are more likely to enter their bucks because they are more competitive. Period. Are you taking offense to that because you enter your bucks? I won't answer that for you, but I don't see anyone disagreeing with me that doesn't enter their bucks. And if you don't think hunters are competetive, then I guess we haven't been hanging around the same sites the last few years.