I have seen a few color coded maps and stuff like that online but does anyone have the actual numbers of how many P+Y bucks get entered from year to year and state to state?
Otherwise you need to order the P&Y book. I'm waiting for the next book (2009 & 2010 entries), because I'm going to get my '09 buck in there!:D
I was hoping to do the same. But the hits my buck is going to take is BAD, I think its not going to make it
Blood, you don't think THAT deer will net 125...he looks to easily make it. Where is he losing at??? I can see the split, but I thought he is a shoe in. I can tell you this, if he does not make it, I want a wall full of them that don't...beautiful buck and congrats all over again.
Thanks Mich, I plugged in the numbers in the B&C web page on there score sheet and the net came back at 118" I did it twice and got the same! Id have to look at the numbers again to try and figure it again. and thanks again Ill take a whole wall of those to!
Ouch BC.. I kinda thought that might happen. The other day you posted your scoring in sheds thread.. and I saw all the deductions. Although I still had him at about 130.. Who cares though.. he IS a great buck! And you have the sheds off him.. how cool is that!
Precisely! I also hope I shoot a wall full of 150's that don't net book! Wait, even if they did, I wouldn't enter them! Which goes back to the OPs original topic.....there are a ton of bucks that don't get entered into the books, for many reasons. People who don't believe in net scoring, people don't care about records or people don't want to make their kills public....to name a few. I wonder how many bucks DON'T get entered.
I came up with 126 7/8ths after deduction's. He might make It Dan, going to be close. Like others have said though, he's a great buck regardless If he makes Into the P&Y record book.
Dan, I have a family member who is VERY VERY well off. He just bought a good chunk of land In Illinois and leases a good bit more. He traveled to Kansas, Iowa and several other states looking for the right place over the course of a couple years. He told us of several farmers with racks thrown in the corner that would easily make boone and some were just un-believable. He has a 200" deer to his credit so he knows what he is looking at. I guarantee you none of those deer are in any book, hell they are not even on a wall.
I know many many many instances of the same thing. Its also a regional thing. There are some states where very few people enter thier kills and others where a higer percentage do. Cultural differance.
I can only think of one person I know who has entered a buck. I have never entered any of mine. No real reason, just never gave it any thought.
I know allot of people who enter their animals Into the P&Y books , and not just whitetails either. No big deal either way though. Before I joined up on these hunting forums back In 07 I honestly thought the majority of the people who shot P&Y animals entered them, I sure was wrong.
The stats in the P & Y book would mean nothing to me. I dont know of anyone around here that enters their deer. I would guess that might be fairly common in the midwest. Only a small fraction of the deer ever get entered because it is not uncommon to take a deer that qualifies. It seems to me that states with a lot of outfitters (advertising) and states where large deer are less common have a much higher rate of qualifiers entered. Our state awards dont even start until 135 net for bowkills. Just has never been a big deal here to enter a deer in the books.