breakfast sausge suzzling, coffee brewing, everyone who is sane is sleeping. I love opening day of deer hunting!
I got some good news on thursday i got a little place real close to the house and im the only one hunting it. Checked it out today and seen some prints. But the only problem there is no water source. Im thinking about fill up some water jugs and filling up some puddles or does that not sound like a good idea.
JOSH, I might have to take you up on that out of state hunt??????? it will depend on if i can kill a buck early in PA / i have Oct 25th thru Nov 5th off. and ask the wife??????????????????? Thanks Chris
It could get interesting for me this year... less than a mile from my stand my brother in law had his feeder ripped down and demolished by 3 black bear. I haven't been out to check my stuff but should be able to pull my card on Thursday hopefully. Find another reason for them to be there, are they passing through to ge to water? Eating there? Bedding there?
I think it would be a waist of time and resources at this point. Perhaps next year you could bring in a kid's pool and fill it up with water. My property doesn't hold water, but it's filled with deer everywhere. they like it because it's thick and safe.
I went and hung a new set up Sunday. I feel very confident in this set up as the location has been proven time and time again. I'm trying to determine the best time for me to hit the woods this year. I don't think I'll be in the tree the opening weekend and the following weekend I'll be on call so no for me again. I've written it in stone for an all day sit November 10th.
Went out hunting saturday and sunday, was full of anticipation. Saturday morning had a 150" walk by at 7:15 but I didn't cut enough shooting lanes so at 30 yards nothing happened. Saturday night sat on alfalfa field and had a nice 9 point walk by just a little to dark, i think he is around the 135-140". I didn't sit sunday morning due to wedding reception saturday night, and sunday past a few does hunting on field where i saw a couple nice one glassing wed. So that was my opening weekend. I do have to say that I have not saw a lot of bucks normally this time of year, so far this year I have saw 2 shooters. Hopefully that is a good omen. Did anyone elses season open this last weekend?
I'm torn on 1&3 being the same deer. They look like brothers to me. Either way, I will just shoot one of these and be done with it. LOL
Look at 1 & 3 G1's, they are the same. One side is shorter by a decent amount and has a weird kink in it. Bossbuck, where in Central WI are you? I think that is a good omen to see those caliber deer in the woods, I would have a hard time not jumping out of my tree if a 150" walked by!
Chris, that'd be a great time to be here brother! Those are my usually vaca days, but too many guys at my post hunt and I'm low on senority lol. I'd be able to hunt a few of those days with you, though! And the cabin would be stocked up and ready for you. Tell Mrs. MUDSHARK it's for the good of the family!!!