Alright girls I'm here calm down! Been drunk all weekend long in Chicago and that wasn't cheap. But back down here in southern IL and ready to get started with trash talking and team name picking of our prestigious team. Let's hear those team name suggestions. I say we call our selves Lord BOOM BOOM WACKY. I'll be hunting in Bond County, IL and most likely Kansas too. I'm not sure what everyone here has on their hit list, but I've been chasing a nice one for that past 4 seasons. I've had encounter every year, last year being the closest yet. He's at the top of my hit list but I don't have any photos of him this past season or this year. I do have this guy. The funny thing is CMarti/IL on team 37 hunts the same property as I do and these pics are all infront of his stand, but that's no issue I'd rather him shoot this one so that I can go after the big dog. Here is an old pic of "Ghost" my target buck. this is from 2 seasons ago.
I will post up picks of the big boy I'm after, All I have are his sheds from two years ago, I have my cam in a new spot this year hoping to catch a glimpse. Who's gonna be team captain? I'm good with whoever has more than 300 posts and is on here a lot. Team name Ideas: 1. Hollow tooth harvesters 2. Widow makers 3. The Mulligans (as in "do over" lol)
Alright gals lets finish up with the check in's. Team 32- Bossbucks25 - checked in Bprr86 - checked in DD/MO Turkish621 Cablebob - checked in ArcheryAddict21 - checked in Selfbros - checked in DUH TimmyBoy8386 dukemicheals ironman85-checked in Josh/OH -checked in Tribal As of now we are waiting to hear from DD/MO Turkish621 TimmyBoy8386 dukemicheals Tribal I'll be on the road most of the day today heading out to Kansas City for some training with work. I'll be checking in everyonce and awhile. but mean while what does everyone on "Team 32" do for a living?also tell us a little about yourself. I'm Shane Self a Sr. field/network engineer for a fiber optic service provider in MO/IL. I have an amazing job that allows me to work my 40 hours and be off the rest of the week if I choose. So in other words I'll be in the woods on Fridays a lot. Other than work and bowhunting I pretty much hit the trout streams of Southern MO and any golf course all the time. C'mon don't be shy fill us in about yourselves. Oh yeah I also like the team name of BOOM BOOM STICKY. or possibly Deer knuckles
I'm Caleb. Residential sales manager for a Horse Stall manufacturing company. I don't even own a horse. My job allows me to "Do Whatever the Muck I wanna do" as long as I maintain the sales of the residential sales team nation wide. I'm an avid motorcyclist, weight lifter and at night I dress up like a superhero and fight crime (with my 7year old) (in the living room). Married with two kids and the time I have is the time I make. Don't watch much T.v. two shows mainly, Criminal minds and Psych. Alright that's it. I'm going to cut and paste this into E-Harmony now and see if I get any PM's. LOL
Turkish checking in from the great state of 10k lates. Sorry for the delay, I was up in the boundry waters and just got back into town.
Im Jace and a student at the University of Pittsburgh so i wont have time to do the captain thing. that also means ill only have a limited time in the stand but all it takes is a second to arrow a big boy! @Calebob i like the name widow makers but i also was thinking maybe Pope & Young Pile-up....just a suggestion ill be checking cameras this weekend so hopefully i get some of the big boys ive seen from last year and this year glassing. unfortunately the only decent buck ive got a video of is of a 120" 8 point but ive seen some real bruisers so hopefully this camera check is better. hopefully i can give you guys an idea of what im going after!!
So far for team names we have: Boom Boom Sticky --Can you Make a graphic?-- Widow Makers Pope & Young Pile up --Can you Make a graphic?-- .......
I don't either, but I like ridiculous names. lol. I've been busy replying to all the threads with it in big bold letters. You don't know how hard it is to type all of that and this while steering with my knee all the while going 80 mph with the sun in my face. And I need to poop.