Last week I ordered a book from the P&Y club showing statistics from people who've entered animals and It came In the mail yesterday. The stats are the most up to date ones I've seen yet. They go back as far 1989 thru 2008. It also shows the all time entries which Is kinda neat. I know not everyone enters their deer but It gives you a little Idea on where the big guys are. We all know the Canadian provinces are much higher then what this shows too. Typical stats Non Typical stats
I find it very interesting to see that IL peaked around 03-04 and has declined since then. That coincides with the massive outfitter boom around that same time. And it's cool to see the up an coming states like Nebraska and Indiana. Who would've thought that more P&Y deer came out of Indiana than Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio in the last scoring period??
Interesting...thanks for the info. I tell you what...ND is the most overlooked state of them all IMO. There is a relatively small number of bowhunters in that state and look at all the P&Y they still manage to produce (recent years).
Great charts. I find it odd that Wisconsin DOMINATES the typical entries while Illinois dominates the nontypical entries.
Good catch Justin, lots of truth to that one I bet!! I agree and then some!! I wonder though If ND has the 200" class deer that some of these other states have? They probably do, like you said not near the hunters out there.
I thought the same thing...I have noticed this as well just reviewing pics on the websites of the outfitters in our can definitely "overhunt" an area. Also, last year was the first year I did not see one single buck while hunting over 140"...that is unheard of in our area...6-10 years ago, I would at least lay eyes on multiple top end deer each season. ...I'm hoping this economy helps my bucks bounce back.
There is probably some truth to what you are saying. Heck...even in your state a lot of people don't enter them in to the P&Y record books but apparently enter them in to the state books...
It's what an OBR will do for a state Check out MI we sucked in 89 and we are slightly better than sucking in 2008 Kind of like are car sales:computer:
Awesome charts Schultzy, I find it neat WV was very good from 1999 to 2002 and then they dropped and last year they picked back up!!
I'd rather hunt Pennsylvania where there is tradition, NOT MEDIA. I'm happier with a buck I've patterned that has half a rack than one with double drop tines killed with little effort.
I wonder what percentage of P&Y deer are actually entered. I know of 7 from Oklahoma that haven't been entered since 2007, and I know of 3 in Kansas. I'm tihnking that maybe 1/2 get entered. Any thoughts?
I second that - My guess, at least pertaining to my area of IL, if FAR less than half. I know of Multiple P&Y deer among buddies and hunting acquaintances...not a single one of which is entered in any book. One reason backs Jeff's theory...many of these bucks are 125-140 inch deer - which just don't get any praise around here anymore...which is sad. And even though a few go over 160, I just don't think locally people really care about "The Book" this point I don't believe I'll ever enter any of my deer...that could change - but just happy to hang mine around the bar for now.
Makes you wonder, I have 7 that are not recorded and 1 that is, and thats only because Don Castrup was the Taxidermist and offical P&Y scorer, it was already scored when I picked it up.