There was a couple inches of rain water in it when I checked it today. I hooked up about 350 ft of hose and ran it up from the well and filled it the rest of the way. I also raked and smoothed out the ground around it and threw down some seed. So I hope that grows good, combined with the water, corn, apples, mini food plot. Could be a real nice stopping spot. Also the landowner looked up by it the other day and he told me he saw 4 huge bucks right there. Also got the camera up and running. Only thing left to do at that site is get the stand up.
Looks good man. Does that tarp seem to bother the deer much when stepping on it? Looking forward to seeing cam pics.
I just need to stick a log in it and I'm going to throw some stuff over that tarp yet. Just put the camera up on the 31st(today) so we'll see in a bit what kind of pics I'll be getting.
Interested to see how that type of water hole does so keep us posted on it. Question: Why pile the corn? Why not spread it around even just a little bit?
Yea I understand that. Seems like in the past when I’ve personally looked at spots where guys did that they’d wind up losing some corn that would start sprouting and I’ve even seen a few spots where the corn at the bottom of the pile would sour or swell if it stayed wet from rain. Just never understood an actual “pile” of corn when it can easily be spread over a 200 sq ft area and be covered by the same camera. Just curious. If you start seeing any of those problems though try spreading it even just a little bit and it’ll help. Looking forward to seeing what pics you get at that setup.