The M-880 has a 8mp lists the Mp6 covert as a 6mp camera: Covert Scouting MP6 Camera: Sports & Outdoors Both the black 60 and the red 40 are listed as 8mp cameras the same as the M-880: Covert Extreme Red 40 Game Camera: Sports & Outdoors Black 60 Infrared Game Camera from Covert Scouting Cameras: Sports & Outdoors The only advantage the black 60 offers is the black flash vs the M-880...unless you have something that proves otherwise that I'm not finding. The price difference vs features and quality still are in play too.
Amazon just like some other sites don't get things right many times...especially when it comes to hunting gear.
Okay well I stand corrected, amazon is probably still selling the old units? It wasn't just Amazon, I looked at several other sites that show them as 6mp cameras. Okay so the point made about the price difference still stands for the features. M-880 @$120'ish vs $150 and $170 for the covert 8mp versions. Comparing the same features the point about the price still stands no matter how they have changed the models. The M-880 also has a 100' flash range....
Seems okay to me, I've had the cameras out since early sept and changed the batteries once and that was after it turned really cold here. Most of them ran several thousand pics by that time. My busiest camera took well over 12,000 pics on the first set of batteries and I was using plain Duracell alkaline batteries. I guess the coverts have an on board screen to view pics? That would explain the price difference but I'd count that as not needed. I don't want to spend the time in front of the camera spreading more scent or whatever and would just pull the cards anyway. Also the comparatively priced Coverts only took a 16gb card, the M-880 takes up to a 32gb....maybe that will also change this year with covert.
The pricing point your making is irrelevant. Your comparing the Retail Price of a Covert vs. the sale price of the M-880... I can get a MP6 or MP6 Black for the same cost if not cheaper than the M-880.
Maybe irrelevant to you trying to back Coverts and refute my points, certainly but to anyone wanting to buy and get I was comparing retail price available on Amazon....I didn't go around the internet searching for deals on Go find them priced the same then and post the link. At the time I was buying that's what the prices basically were and how they are posted as of today on Amazon. I don't know what deals are available now after christmas and after the turn of the new year on last years cameras. I didn't buy mine on sale and they are not on sale now on Amazon.... This seems to be a constant in pricing though, same will hold true in 2014 I bet....but we'll see.
What about the $50 sale a little while back for a mpe5? Can I throw that into the ring? My 2 cents on running Moultries since 2007. They spook deer. They dont sense nearly as good as a Covert. I just pulled a card on a M80 and 3 pictures of tracks in front of it in the snow and no pictures. (been running the m series since 2011) I run a few Covert redflash cameras in the same spots I ran Moultries and I dont get near the negative reactions at all I did with the redflash Moultries. Take notice of the Moultrie night time pictures. Most all pictures the deer is looking at the redflash. I ran side by side test of a 2012 black60 vs 2012 m80black. the Covert was picking up stuff in front of the M80 AND the Covert is still on the same batteries since then when that M80blx was sent in for repair, and put back out and 2 battery changes later. So I do yes give the nod to Moultrie for night time illumination, but dont tell me they sense better,take better videos and have better battery life. When I am talking cold for battery life I am thinking -10 with windchills hitting -30.
No comparison, I'm running M-880's not M80's. They are different cameras. I have never had a camera that deer didn't look at except one of my M-880's that I hung higher at 6' and pointed downward a little. Yeah you can throw the MP 5 sale in the mix.... but then I would just go and throw Moultries 5mp cameras back out on the table for price comparison.
Sole us of for price comparison is fine, just if disclosed. The price of Coverts are nearly never that price elsewhere and Amazon is typically if not always higher for whatever reason on them. I'm a bias Covert owner though just like you're bias personally to Moultrie obviously. Nothing anyone can tell me will sway me from Coverts for the simple fact not one of my buddies have had better experiences with their cameras (Moutlrie, Wild GI, Primos, Bushnell and Cuddies) in the past 5 years like I have with Coverts. Some of the qualities here and there are similar but not one comparable camera lasts as long for battery life than the comparable Covert that I have experienced when discussing with close trusting friends. Moultries night time imagery is better I will give that easily...but I have yet to be disappointed with any of my Coverts unless my placement was poor (placement makes a huge difference and sadly I don't always succeed). ...All of that said I wouldn't say anyone is wrong or that Coverts blow the snot out of another brand without stating it my opinion, because it's all opinion based. I say get the camera you feel is the best that you can afford or are willing to wait till you can justify the price....I just know a lot of my hunting buddies see my trail cam pictures and always desire whatever cameras I am using...I've yet to do that except on Homebrews and Reconyx.
Fair enough but I don't consider myself biased towards Moultrie as a brand. I would happily use coverts if they were priced the same based on the same features. I never said coverts were crappy, quite the opposite based on what I have seen here on the forum. To be clear, the comment I made about moultrie kicking the crap out of the coverts was based completely off that star rating chart and a price comparison between cameras with similar features.
I enjoy the discussion on camera vs camera. Everyone will have their favorite brands and stand up for them. Moultrie is my second favorite brand and would recommend that over anything else out there(wildgame innovations/cuddeback/primos) mpe5 is 6mp. I just think(well know) that Covert has better cameras under $100 then Moultrie. Number one battery life,sensing and day time pictures there is no contest on Coverts side. Night time pictures there is some comparison yes, but they have a quick redflash and dont get the negative reactions I know all too well with Moultries. read all you want here to back up my claims> Game & Trail Cameras, Camera Traps - Shop & Reviews - Trailcampro
I use strictly Reconyx. The best hands down. Not even a close second and I've used them all. Not cost friendly but last forever. You get what you pay for though. "Live Life at Full Draw"
I have no doubt Reconyx are great and for the price they should be. Someday if I have the income to get one and not regret it I plan on it...great crisp clear images for sure.
Likewise on enjoying the discussion. Yeah under $100 I would probably agree and take the Coverts. Back during the Summer, when I made my purchase going with the Moultrie M-880 8MP vs a similar Covert saved me over $500 for the number of cameras I needed. With the only drawback being not quite as good day time pics as was really no contest for me personally under the circumstances. There's no taking away covert makes a great product though. Honestly I had Moultries in years past that flat out sucked but were only marginally worse than a Cuddeback I also ran. The modern cameras are just like comparing bows now, everyone makes a pretty darn good product, relatively speaking. Honestly we may be actually adding a system of online cams this year and trying that as well so this discussion may have a different dimension altogether in the near future. Looking close at the buckeye cam systems.
They were package deals, one four pack with cards and one ten pack with cards (cards were 4gb), then I bought extra 32gb cards so I had a set to swap out. Separated out, the cameras came out ~$125 each and I got free shipping on them. At the time the best deal I could find on Coverts was I think $165 each and the black 60 was listed as a 6mp camera besides. With shipping etc...that was a chunk of difference.
Yeah if you like the cameras nothing wrong. You should really try a 2012 Red 40 for $120 TYD. It's most the guys on this forums favorite cam.
I don't have one complaint about the M-880's, at all...I love them. I'm sure I would love a similar Covert as well. Yeah I'll more than likely buy some new Coverts this summer. We may be adding an additional 500 acres of land into the operation in the near future if the deal happens so we can probably use an additional 12-15 cameras this year.