I pledge allegiance to the FLAG, of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, with Liberty and Justice for ALL. ALL!!!! Read it again!
Bahahahaha only these sonsabitches could figure out a way to MAKE IT WORSE! https://redstate.com/kiradavis/2022...pend-gas-tax-insert-tax-hikes-instead-n542377
By hook or by crook the Dems will do anything to try to get a majority back on the SCOTUS. All this talk about Thomas, where was their outrage when Ginsburg went public with her views om Trump? Hypocrites much?
Biden's a wreck. He denies every stupid thing he's said and blames everybody else. He has to be given a cheat sheet prepared by someone else to walk back all of his blunders. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
That describes his entire life. It's just now he is capable of seriously screwing up all our lives with his BS. This without reasonable checks from normal sane people.