I'm not so sure it matters between the two of them. She will be told what to say and do by the same people that are controlling Biden. It would be just more of the same.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. There is a reason so many are jumping ship. I think during her presidential run she showed she isn't easily controlled...thus her pitiful showing. She also has her own power group pushing behind her. Again thus the slow burn going on between Biden's people and hers.
I am 1000% sure the only difference b/t the two is she is imminently less electable. She has no 'people'. She was a flashcard. She has no base constituency. Unless you count man-stealing identitarians as a constituency.
Well you just showed my point in stating " she is less electable." We disagree on her having people pushing behind her. Obviously not a base of any sort but certainly a political hungry group that have hopes. Have no doubt there are a large # circling around her that bet Biden would have an "expiration date" well before 2024.