Ilhan Omar voted against the Russian oil ban because she feared it would cause the US to up its domestic production, what an idiot.
I honestly feel like im in a thriller/horror movie. This all cant be real. But it is. I guess Evil prevails.
These lousy m-fn SOB's !! Congress Just Gave Itself A 21 Percent Pay Raise With Pork-Packed Omnibus Bill While Surging Gas Prices, Inflation Hurt Americans
During this inflation us taxpayers endure congress just proved again how little they care about your average American.
Some of us were yelling at the top of our lungs in 2020, " no stupid don't open that door,it's hiding be hind the door!" But no they just had to, and up out of the basement it came for us.
Both parties! And those stupid suburban soccer moms, before they have a chance to go to the polls again. One thing this whole thing has taught me ...most never reach adult hood until they are in their early 40's and way too many never fully get there.
I now carry a wide indelible black marker in the truck and put FJB on all the pumps I use .... many already have the 'I did that' sticker on 'em ......
my SUV .... I have a white window marker that I use on the rear window also, yesterdays wet snow washed the last comment off ... "O'Biden and the dems SUCK" also had an American flag sticker upside down over the lift handle ( indicates distress ) .. it peeled off, I'll add another shortly ...