here is some good news ... but will gas get back to under $4, and the larger question, will it ever get back to under $3 gal. ?? Oil Prices Fall Most in 2 Years as UAE Supports Output Hike
It's really not about the money or I wouldn't even have the car. It is about something I've enjoyed and participated in since I was a kid. At my age, I'm going to enjoy the things I like while I can and I'm not going to let idiots ruin it for me if I can help it.
Stop bringing facts to the conversation...I mean at least 7 known viruses are linked to cancer causation.
I'm all about F Russia, but Ukraine calling on everyone and their brother to engage in what would become WWIII is getting old. You should have formed your EU quicker. You are not a perfect country full of completely innocent persons yourself.
If we survive, yes. ...I am old enough to remember $4/gal under BHO. And that was when a dollar was actually worth about $1.30 compared to today's dollar. (So technically we were paying more under BHO than we are now.)
Kamala Harris has gpt tp be the dumbest, stupidest, absolutely idiotic Vice President this country has ever seen, amd quite possibly ever was. She is the most unqualified, uneducated and chit for brained representative of the United States that has ever been. Case in point, watch her answer to being asked about the Migs Poland is willing to give Ukraine as long as we deliver them. She stated we must be nimble, we must be swift, we must be swift..... The only thing that dumb %!"$& did not say is we must jump over the candlestick. I mean seriously, every time she is under pressure she relies on nursery rhymes or child speak. God help us all if she becomes President over the next 3 years, because there is no way in hell she could get the votes to be elected in. Holy chit!!!
Don't forget the giggle she broke out in...honest to God her face should be in the definition of buffoon.