Poland just put a huge wrench in things. Ukraine has already started to blame the West for the deaths of Ukrainians by not enacting a no fly zone and failure to send jets. Now Poland says they'll send them by givinf them to Germany to give to Ukraine. Chit smells fishy to me with this.
a crapton of PH's content is made in Russia....so I hear. Completely unrelated, but did you know that 'machekha' is the Russian word for 'stepmother'?
You know what 2022 needed? BioWar! https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-official-us-ukraine-bio-research-facilities-russia U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirms existence of ‘biological research facilities’ in Ukraine - Rebel News
Either way, they put the burden on us and when they sit on it, Zelenskyy is going to go even further with holding us, the US, soley responsible. His people will slowly turn on us, not joining Putin turn, but as I said before, they'll hate us equally as Putin. Wait until the real invasion begins, I don't see a way we can't get involved. Either go to war or be villified for the slaughter that will occur, far beyond what we've seen thus far. Once Putin decides he's moving on Zelenskyy, Kyiv will be leveled as will Karkiv. He'll level every government building seeking to kill him.
China Says Ukraine's Neo-Nazi 'Azov Battalion' Helped Hong Kong Protesters (breitbart.com) Looks like China is going to get involved. Now you have Chinese media connecting the UKR 'nazis' to the Hong Kong separatist movement. They also already have several 'reporters' embedded with Russkie forces in UKR, broadcasting propaganda back to China. So, they are obviously starting to influence the public opinions of their people to hate the UKRs. Why do that unless they plan on overtly and probably materially (not just financially) supporting the Russians. Also, these embed Chinese 'reporters' are also not very identifiable as 'Press', they are wearing olive drab and dull colors, from 100 yards away you couldn't tell they were non-combatants. What I am getting at is it's only a matter of time before UKR blows one or two away by accident and then China uses that.