From the way it read they were talking covid masking..WTH...I've known all along we would be screwed. We have a nuclear plant "relatively " close We can literally see a NORAD(?) radar station across the valley from our place. In fact we can tell when things are heating up around areas because the planes and copters fly directly over our house. Things are getting bad. The huge two propeller copters have been on the move this weekend
There was a period of a few month here where it stayed below $1. I miss the good ol days. Also whenever I hear that annual inflation is ≈7% overall, ≈50% for gas, ≈7% for food, etc I can’t help but think bullshit. A year ago a ribeye cost me $7-8/lb now I can’t even get 70/30 ground beef for that price and a ribeye runs $25/lb. Gas was $1.50 now it’s $3.75. Not sure what method theyre using to generate and manipulate the numbers, but it’s pretty damn obvious that actual inflation is a whole lot worse then what the official figures (which are already pretty dire) are saying.
It means that if they shoot 500 warheads you will only get blown up once, but if they shoot 2,000 you’ll get blown up twice.
HEY! Uncle JB lifted our mask mandate today. We should be groveling at his fat feet, thanking him for showing kindness to us common folk. Most of the stations around here are at $3.99 with some in the $4.09-$4.19 range if you venture over to Crook County. I tried Costco and Woodmans this weekend, but the lines were out the parking lot and I was too impatient to wait. They were both $3.69 I believe.
since nukes are the word of the day .... pick a city/location, pick the nuke size you want to see and kiss your ass good by ... smallest nuke all the way up to the Tsar Bomba (5omt/100mt) .... you can run, but you'll never hide
Hell most of the nukes here would drop north, south and east of us. The the western winds we get the ones dropped on Michigan would kill us eventually.
Heres the thing...he's now move nukes around. My thinking, he's unhinged BUT still crafty. He knows Biden is totally out of it, the administration is being run by idiots. This just may be, a push to get Biden's people to do something really stupid.
I can't believe how much of a sissy Putin is when it comes to Covid-19. It's hilarious when you think about it.
As I recall the dots were for a case of more warheads... The triangle, fewer - meaning a higher priority target.