OMG FEMA In a nuclear event go to center of basement away from walls and wear a mask staying 6 ft apart. The United States of America is doomed. We just can not remove enough of these idiots to save us.
209,000 barrels of crude per day, 500,000 barrels of other petroleum products per day we buy from Russia. All because Joe and the Squad want wind turbines and electric cars.
cant fix stupid .. Lord, I absolutely despise this whole administration .... O'biden has been deemed the WORST POTUS of all time, and the turdblossom still has 3 years to go to add to that moniker ..... smh ... ANYONE that voted for these turds need to see a shrink ASAP !! gas is now $3.60 ... the last year under Trump it was averaging $1.89 -$2.09 here
Joe Biden Approval Rating Sinks to 37% – 54% of Americans Now See Biden Mentally Incapable of Serving
If we get nuked, it likely won't matter...Unless you're away from metros and other (military, strategic, industrial) targets... By mask, I assume they're talking not a 'covid fabric mask'... Russia has more than 1000 warheads, but this handy graphic (I think based on 1000 warheads) may help. Pretty much a 10 miles radius would be wasted... 25 miles, you're still likely gonna die but more variables come into play around how much faster you'd die...
Thanks, I still wouldn't be riding my bicycle around in that environment. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk