How this will turn out we dont know yet but something tells me we just saw the “Good ol’ Days” come and go for awhile.
As in “remember the good ol days when we thought gas was expensive at $4/gallon and the only mandates imposed on us were masks and a stupid shot?”
No we are here we will pick up the pieces when the entitled ones fail miserably next November. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction Libs are about to be reminded of this. If this does not happen not sure what we will do.
What is the difference between Putin and Truedope .................................................... nothing .................. Ohhhh Canaduh !! Canadian Tyrants Shuttering 39 Trucking Businesses Because of a Peaceful Protest ..
lemme break this down- It's 1000% the current *dmin's/Dems fault: ...Because the former VP was the VP when in 2014 that administration initiated and supported a coup in Ukraine, displacing Putin's lawn jockey at the time and implementing a guy named Poroshenko as the new US puppet head of state. Then, BHO put 'The Big Guy' Joey in 'charge of Ukraine' (his words, not mine), who in turn made sure his and (then Sec. of State) J. Kerry's sons' energy firm was the main beneficiary of Ukrainian oil/gas contracts with Europe. Then, Russia, fearing a NATO alliance was in the works with the new Obummer puppet next door, decided to invade Crimea to A) protect the Russian-ethnic (and speaking) majority in said area, and B) create a buffer zone b/t Russia and Ukraine. The 44th admin did nothing to prevent this, both because they are cowards and also because they wanted Ukraine to know upon which side their bread was buttered. Theeeennnnnn, when Joey got wind that the (equivelant) Atty Gen of Ukraine was investigating said energy company for corruption, Joey threatened to cancel a $1 billion dollar (US taxpayer funded) 'oil and gas infrastructure' foreign aid grant if said AG was not fired immediately by Poroshenko...which happened. Then, Trump happened, and threatened to pull out of NATO, and sanctioned the F out of Russia. Russia STFU and did nothing aggressive for 4 years. Then, Zelensky was elected (beating the puppet of BHO) and when Trump got wind about what had happened with the investigation into Joey's little crackhead, he asked Ukraine to re-open the investigation...which got him impeached here at home by the Dems and a couple fake-ass Republicans (inc. Mitt Romney, who's nephew is also on board of said energy company with the Crackhead and Kerry's son) and which certainly did not help his re-election campaign. So here we are...with a corrupt, swiss-cheese brained simpleton sitting on the throne, surrounded by a cabinet full of 44th administration re-treads, and a military completely eviscerated by woketardery, I do not like Putin. But he is not stupid. As I do with every bad actor in the world, I look at them and think if I was a complete psychopathic Machiavellian SOB with those resources, needs, and ambitions, what would I do? And the answer here is exactly what he is doing (and probably Winnie the Pooh in China is gonna do to Taiwan within days if not hours.) That's the Cliff's Notes version. But that's why Dems are completely responsible for this.
Have to think Putin is currently going over the list of no cyber attacks that Biden gave him after Russia shut down the gaslines feeding the East coast. He doesn't want to make Biden mad.....