Royce White is running against Omar in Minneapolis. He is a native a local basketball star played for the Gophers, Iowa and the NBA. Might be enough to get rid of the vermin.
Hey, Obama, what was that you said ??? ...... Flashback: Romney calling Russia 'our number one geopolitical foe' prompted media onslaught in 2012 CNN writer issues mea culpa in light of Putin invasion of Ukraine: 'It's time to admit it: Mitt Romney was right'
I guess we'll have to wait and see. But if he's the nominee he gets my vote. If you dislike him bad enough you can always vote for the other guy. I think we have experienced how that turned out. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
if the choice is between a loudmouth braggart that has spent his entire life leeching off the public dole, wants to crush everything you have believed in, has corruptly enriched himself and his family on the taxpayer's dime, reliably committed sexual assault, has a proclivity for publicly touching children and women inappropriately, and also molested his own daughter; vs. another loudmouth braggart that wants you to be as successful as he is; leave you, your money, and your things to you to do with as you please, and likes to brag about consensually banging fully adult and willing models; is that really a choice?
Not sure how many solar panels I would need to make 1300hp but I know it’s enough that the weight would probably sink the boat.
I would rather see Trump campaign for others, POTUS race as well, but if he is the not a Democrat nominee that polls the best he will get my vote for a 3rd time. I guarantee had Covid not been released we would not be where we are anywhere in the world today. Covid was an anti Trump weapon IMO, and every day forward since then reaffirms my thinking.
I would never consider voting against, but come on he really f'ed it up at the end and he is not making it better. I will admit some of the mouth breathing Trump supporters make me embarrassed if the mouth breathers are considered republicans.
Good deal. Gasoline is $3.69 and Diesel is $4.29 around here. Just have to love this "Bidenflation" and the worst thing is that it isn't going to get better for quite a while.
There are embarrassing mouth breathers in all parties. If somehow Trump was the nominee and we got him back into office, as long as he turned our economy, inflation, military ....... nation back around from where our current buffoon has us, I wouldn't care how embarrassed some people would be of his supporters.
I am sure you either know or have come across a Trumper where you thought get off my side dumbass. I am talking about the clown with the Trump flag stapled to a 2x4 in the back of a POS pick up. The guy that lives in town and has the F Biden flag. Just turn down the dumbass a little or talk a lot less.