Not good .... gas prices are going to skyrocket ........... Report: US Intel Confirms Russian Commanders Have Orders to Invade Ukraine
let the games begin .... Trump's Truth Social App Set for Release Monday in Apple App Store
Have you seen where a UN jet and a jet with locator blacked out is on a north bay Ontario run way. Boy Oh boy The people are awake now and asking questions....
yea yea, I know, consider the source ... but with Truedope and his Stasi thugs, anything is possible ... just look at the beatings and running over an old lady and others with a horses, may be next on his to do list against the Truckers/protesters ... just who do they think they are , Richard J. Daley at the '68 Dem convention in Chitcago ?? ... btw, this article is about Australia, not Canaduh Shock Report: Microwave Energy Weapons Deployed Against Canberra Freedom Convoy Disturbing videos and photos circulating social media show Canberra protesters, including women and children, who appear to have been badly burned by directed microwave energy weapons, with blisters on their faces, arms, and torsos.
Well they shot reporter and denying press cards from non left media. Up in Canada. World power whites have united and they are rolling the populous.