Wait. Truedoe did blackface too?? At this point I think Elizabeth Warren is about the only liberal who hasn’t got caught with some old blackface photos. (Although I imagine thats only because she didn’t know about the lumbee tribe)
In NC, S of 85, the state manages to 0 bears, so raccoons are trash pandas for sure... But (roughly) east of 95 or NW of 85/77 (more closer to the mtns) and black bears start to become problematic. The greater Asheville crunchy population views on bears aside. Never tried coon meat, personally.
Where are the animal rights activist with the Canadian Gov. threatening to euthanize the truckers dogs...WTF! Please all truckers across the world especially independents. Just stay home, stay home. People wake up it's not one gov. It's not two...this is a world problem. This is a world group of "leaders" in lock step against the populace. Just stay home they start arresting people for staying home maybe more people will wake up.. FARMERS feed your community ,China is buying up farm land to control.our food supply from the inside out. Our gov. is allowing this. Has been for years. They blamed meat packers for shortages and high prices...CHINA owns one of the largest packers in this country now they own our precious metals, they own medications etc, etc Buy local,farmers sell local to keep some things going until the gov. Wakes up.....preppers across the country are all laughing now and rightfully so.
I’ve never actually hunted mountain bears - all mine have come out of the swamps down in/around Hyde county. I’d love to try going after one in the mountains though. One thing that hunting them in the swamp will certainly teach you is to make your shot count. When you gotta go crawling head first into a dark hole where you can hardly see and barely even move the last thing you want to be questioning is whether the bear thats waiting for you on the inside is going to be dead or just wounded and really pissed off.
ATF: 'Is it a rifle, pistol, shotgun, or felony?' - YouTube Its sad that this is literally how they operate over at the ATF. Nothing they say makes sense. But mess up and its 10 years in jail and a permanent felon label.
as much as I am/was for the Freedom Convoy, that's the safest and honestly most effective tactic. A general trucker shut down. Do nothing. Move nothing. Supply nothing. Stay safe inside your own homes. Watch Them crumble in less than 2 weeks.