Read that and thought WTF buying crack pipes for addicts not enforcing immigration laws and claiming to cut cancer deaths by 50% sounds like a formula for success. As John Wayne said "this is getting regoddamndiculous"
Every day is more and more bizarro... pretty sure there are fed laws about illegal drug use... But, what do I know... I just was looking at some paperwork...
Funny the issues are frequent enough that front line professionals know what caused the symptoms. They gave my wife a gout drug to treat her heart sack inflammation, yet the idea of ivermectin is mocked?
The craziest part of that program is that it prioritizes African American and minority communities in order to “advance racial equality” So basically their argument is: “Those republicans are evil racists who are secretly trying to make sure that blacks remain subservient to their white masters which is why us Democrats are going to help all you black folks by making sure that every man, woman, and child in your neighborhood has an opportunity to smoke crack”
OK So as I said let the gun grab begin...BTW Legislation is posted in the NYODN. If one of the NY members can link, I can't. That said two doozies 1. All gun owners require Liability in the sum of no less than a million a. First look hey not a bad idea right? Until you see a cost that makes flood insurance look like a penny sale....grab D 2. Before purchase of hand ,rifle, shot guns AND ammunition a 5 hour e course is required. a . Note ammunition purchases and it didn't mention a one time situation that I could see....