I've decided we need Trump to take a less seen power role and elect a younger leader like him. We have to have a solid 8 year run. If for no other reason than to hopefully let time remove the Schumer' s, Pelosi' s,Water's, Obomas,Clinton's, etc, etc...
I have said more than once that Trump is not sustainable, we need a 2 term guy. It is going to take a while to get back on track.
If we have to try to Trump again that means our country is royally fd. We can't find another awesome candidate, man or woman, out of the nearly 300 million people in our country? That is pathetic that is a direct indictment of us as a country.
I know nothing about breaking into a home however I do know that the guy is using the wrong end of the crow bar for that maneuver.
seriously? You might as well vote D. You live in a purple state, your vote actually counts. Also, the Libertarian candidate is probably going to be Dave Smith. 40-something year old Dave Smith. A man who has literally never run anything in his life other than a mildly interesting and mildly funny podcast. And whose biggest platform is to 'abolish the State'. He literally wants to dissolve the federal government, which means he'd be dead commit suicide before he raised his right hand. So there's that.
I honestly think that’s what he’s grooming Nunez from California for Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just like I don't like many of the democrats because they're willing to sacrifice the means for the end. They violate the Constitution, they'll change the rules midstream, they don't care. I feel the same way about Donald Trump. I'm not gonna sacrifice on what I believe our president should look and stand for just to get what I want. I cannot stand donald trump's mouth.
If I voted on how a politician looks or even talks I might as well write in foghorn leghorn. None of them are perfect all of them twist the truth from time to time, some all the time(Bidon, Obama,Bush, Clinton). That said a few have a solid record of getting done what they said they'd do. Trump, against a ****e storm, managed to get a lot done. I believe he really does love this country. He just can't stop poking and looking back. Just keep ****e to yourself and look forward Donald.
Truthfully, I just want to get through this years midterms before even considering 2024. Let's see what measures Democrats try leading into the November election to make voting what they want it to be. Let's see what the actual makeup of the Senate and House look like post election, is it a veto proof supermajority or a majority within grasp of switching come 2024? I want to see how many moderates, Independents and actual Democrats are as fed up as they state they are. It's a long time to go until November, 3 times as long until November 2024. If things can go right this November it can really change the outlook for 2024. Much like sports, lets put our focus on winning against the next team, not looking ahead to the perceived bigger game. I'd love nothing more than to vote in someone that pushes for a lot of Trump's policies but can do so with tact and insight, but right now I only want a makeup of the federal government that can negate the hard left turn it currently is.