How did ppl not see BLM was a scam from the get go. Where ever did anyone see them go into blk. Communities with all that money to open reduced cost day care, community centers, scholarships,business loans. I do not recall hearing about any of those things. Believe me they'd have it plastered ALL over the news. I have never trusted Go Fund Me either. They at least slowly showed their other face though. Now they don't even try to show an agenda...people are gullible.
I hope she breaks her legs and smashes her facial bones in an oh-so-close landing. See how fast those modeling contracts disappear. Ok, That was brutal. I really dont wish that on her. Maybe i just wish that she doesnt return from china.
They are poking the bear. In all honesty i hope their antics multiply in severity and occurrence. Only then will the silent majority finally stand up.
Maher: 'A Lot of' COVID Misinformation Was from the Medical Establishment, They Haven't Earned 'Monopoly Status on Information' ( welcome Bill. You're late as usual, but long as you BYOB it's cool. You can party with us. 7 mins in...alright, now I remember why nobody invites you anywhere.
He is also white and libertarian which means he questions things. People dont like others who question.
I give that kid an immense amount of credit. I would have simple said, You need to hush because if it weren't for obeses people like you, I wouldn't even need to wear this mask! Though I'd have said fat asses. Yes, yes I was in trouble in school a lot...I also told and English professor he needed to stuff a paper I wrote so far up.his ass it would never see the light of day. This after he told me it was perfect but he refused to except it. He thought the other students would not be able to relate to it. I told him I wasn't paying for his personal opinion.
Just read that The Rock has turned on Joe after the old clips of him using The Word came out. The Rock has a brand-new partnership with UFC. Rogan works for UFC. One of Rogan's most staunch and long-term supporters is Dana White. Dana White owns UFC. ...this is going to be interesting.