No different than Rory Sabatini competing for Slovakia in the last summer Olympics... Other than China has worse PR, political reputation & relations. the border...dozens of men caught crossing...All in military camo gear and boots....Hhhmmmm WAKE Up!
We have to send Fauci to the Ukranian border immediately,he's their only chance. He must he is the God of science only he can convince Russians to follow the science "Turn back go,home and shelter in place You must follow the science to survive!"
Fox reported last night that she had to renounce US citizenship. Either way, she'll probably be banging Eric Swalwell before you know it.
Just watched a news story where a kid wearing a thin blue line mask to school was told it was the new confederate flag by a substitute teacher, never mind the kids father is a cop. The news story reported that the thin blue line is in supportive of law enforcement but also has evolved into a symbol for resistance. What liberal candy ass decided supporting the police is also supporting some kind of resistance. This is another case of if you have an opinion liberals do not agree with you are racist, homophobic, part of some resistance. They really really need a thorough midterm ass kicking.