this beoch needs to go live with 'her people' overseas a few years and see what they really think ....
I've never been on Facebook,twatter,instagram.....but I do love reading all the comments under the things you guys post
I think Twatter is the only one that allows you to click the link and go directly to the thread. I know Insta does not, pretty sure FB also makes you log in to see content. I get all these twats from Breitbart and Gateway. They hyperlink direct to them and you can play the videos through the web page.
HRC and BHO are the only people with any brains at all over there. They have almost got to be plotting this prior t0 Nov. 2022. It's their only chance that I can see. Was watching an interesting take on the SCOTUS pick- if it's any of the other likely candidates already named (aside from Commie,) then they will almost automatically get green-lit from Cocaine Mitch b/c ideologically it means nothing to the make-up of the Court, and most of them are all already approved federal judges with at least some prior R votes during those confirmation hearings...if Mitch gives the go-ahead it defuses the argument and cancels it as a mid-term election issue. ...which is another reason to think it's going to be Commie or Stacy the Hutt.
I met the UPS guy on the porch because he had the two big seed boxes...I actually wasn't expecting, they came so fast. So we got to talking . I asked if he was to be are "regular" guy now. He said yes he just got back.......from maternity is 8 mo. old. To be honest with Covid, if he and wife took turns from respective companies...Good for them. That said....still makes me laugh.
The election issue will not be who is nominated for Breyers retirement, as stated it does not change the makeup of the court at all, it simply keeps that seat for a couppe more decades. Think youth with potential nominations. The election issue is going to be on court packing for 4 more seats. If both chambers swap come November/January the Republican's had better get some spines. They won't be able to pass anything as Biden will veto, but they sure as hell can return the favor of investigations and special committees. You can guarantee the Dems already have their post election talking points and fear mongering scrioted out and ready to implement. Everything they did with Trump should be favor returned back.
This is the most corrupt administration in decades. He even beats Obama. They have done so many illegal things , it's impossible to keep up. He and Kamala need to be impeached...That said the best that can happen is Biden has a meeting that includes K & P and hope a meteorite strikes the room. Living in the wake of Cuomos replacement watch what you wish for.