Will eventually hit the SCOTUS unless it draws a good panel of judges on the 9th Circuit. A lot of Mayors and Governors licking their chops with this one.
Yeah let's punish law abiding citizens who own guns and then barely prosecute the criminals who do violent deeds. What a great country
No, that's where the insurance comes in. Someone steals your gun and shoots someone, they come after you for it.
AOC and the rest of them were begging him to step down months ago so Biden could replace him with someone a lot younger. If Trump were in office he'd be berated for such a dangerous and selfish act. It's quite funny sometimes when you think about it. When is the last time Republicans came out and threatened Supreme Court Justices like Schumer did? Like AOC and the squad have? Biden, or whoever is running that outfit over there, will get his nomination and some Republicans will vote to confirm just as they have always done. Unlike the Dems and the last 3 SCOTUS nominees when they threw their temper tantrums. Maybe Biden will make history with his pick by nominating someone for their chosen way of life rather than their qualifications from the bench.
Maybe they'll find some bullcrap sexual assault case with no witnesses for one of the nominees and also claim one is mildly racist and doesn't support abortion rights. That could be a lot of fun
One for the "children". Not the last of it either, now that they finally have one they'll want more. The only way to do that is to put 5 more on it. Watch for the court packing mantra to start up again either as a mid-term push for votes or shortly after with lame duck sessions. They are vile beings and they aren't afraid of showing it anymore. Scarey to think about that in 25-30 years all tgise seats in congress are going to be filled with the indoctrianted youths "protesting" in the streets every summer...... wall to wall AOC's :puke:
Good ol' Facebook and Go Fund Me. They don't and won't censor or block Liberals and Democrats, but as soon as groups band together for the good of the people, nope, can't do that. Just another hamd of the governement wanting to impose their Liberal will regardless of country. They praised Austrailia for locking people down during Covid as well.
Case of beer says it's Commie-La. HRC installed as VP. Dead serious. It would be supported behind the scenes by a lot of uni-party RINOs. Solves 2 major problems for Dems- Brandon's rapid descent into senility and Commie-La's unpopularity as a candidate in 24.
well, Breyer won't be out until summer. Then they gotta do a confirmation process which would take at least a month. I took the under on the March SOTU, but unless something happens naturally I will hold that bet now.