Sorry bud, you are dead wrong here. They know exactly what they are doing. It's far past time that people realized these MFers running the show are not dumb. This is all deliberate and calculated.
In fairness, though, Biden is not woke. He says and has said the most racist crap of any politician since there were segregationists. And yet the dolt known as Jim Clyburn, a congressman from Orangeburg, SC, endorsed him. Biden and Clyburn are both 40 watt bulbs in the football stadium of life. Jim knows one retort: "Racism!" Any time anyone sums up all the worlds problems towards one scapegoat or one attitude that person is an extremist. The 1488 neo-nazis are first cousins to woke folk in terms of logical reasoning. The nazis have their jewish world conspiracy and the woke volk have critical race theory. Both twisted extreme worldviews have one scapegoat.
Oh yeah; on that one - Kav and Rob just voted to uphold a legal premise which could (meaning probably will) be used to federalize all state and local PDs....nearly every department in the country takes money in DOJ/DHS/DoD/DOT and even DOAgriculture grants. I couldn't find a direct number of PDs that take money, but I did find this and also just know from when my dad was a local town deputy marshal, he would get federally-funded OT to work DUI enforcement surges. That was in a town with a police force of (drumroll) three. Federal Dollars Fund Local Law Enforcement : NPR I also know that nationally, state and local police officers can earn up to over $19k/year in OT directly funded by the Feds. On top of whatever they can/want from their local PDs.
I guess what I was trying to convey is that many/most of them are too stupid to realize that they will not be included in the elite ruling class when the shtf. They are but pawns/stepping stones.
In all fairness, I think most people know Biden is a puppet. The meaning of the meme I was trying to portray was it's headline..... "Wokeness ****s itself". Biden is just a poster boy.
The problem is they actually are dumb in their own majority. They actually think what they are doing is great! ...for they will be in the top tier of the elite. They are too dumb to realize in order for the top tier to remain stable it has to be the smallest tier. They won't get it until they are pushed to the bottom with the rest of us.
not venting, just a very curious event- Russia just banned all crypto- use, exchange, and mining. But not possession. I'd have to say that was a pretty good indicator that they are going to invade. Banning crypto could in the short term crash the prices and enable the oligarchs to buy up a crap-load of it prior to going to war so when/if the ruble crashes after going to said war (sanctions, etc) they are protected (and ultimately wealthier.) Also prevent non-favored people (that is to say everyone but Putin's chosen) from offloading rubles...
Just to piggy back on that science, an archeologist could dig up a bone from thousand of years ago and run a DNA test on that bone and would learn if that bone belonged to a woman or a man. Our DNA that runs thru the very fiber of our body defines wether we are a woman or a man. There are two sexes and only two.