oh, yeah it was way worse than just that line. She tossed that word salad for several more lines. Also, pretty sure Brandon's media team set her up yesterday...10 minutes she stands at the podium waiting for a live stream to throw it over to her...it was uncomfortable, to say the least. Kamala Harris Waits At Podium For Ten Minutes Before Giving MLK Day Speech - YouTube you can just slide the cursor over the play time line; watch her face. Hilarious.
Wow, I think MLK jr would have been furious if he were alive and heard the things said there. And yeah, Kamala’s reaction was great. The look on her face when she thought she was being praised by that first speaker, priceless! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
there's an internal behind (barely) the scenes battle b/t her camp and Brandon's. My only question is if Brandon's camp has enough to push her out and nominate HRC to be the VP; or will she make a deal with HRC to invoke 25th and push Brandon out and nominate HRC to be her VP. Other than being a vapid human mattress (which is already well known) I don't really know what baggage Commie-La has that they could use as leverage to push her out. From Progs' perspective, I see no logical scenario where HRC is not the VP or at least unelected House Speaker (Speaker does not have to be serving member of Congress) very soon. Like probably before SOTU (March.) Nancy has already said she plans to retire as SOH after the mid-terms. Why not give up the Speaker's gavel prior-to, especially if she thinks they are going to get shellacked? Put HRC 3rd in line with no real job responsibilities and without spending a dime.